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Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu
@torka No idea; Sam never elaborated further.
Has there been any updates on the licensing for this series? I would absolutely love for j-novel to pick it up.
@scarletice Nope. As mentioned before Sam doesn't even seem to want to try anymore after hearing about how poorly Alphapolis treats its authors.
Yeah, at this point, your best bet for these series would be to hope another English licensor is able to grab them somehow, or more likely that Alphapolis launches some sort of AlphaNovel app like have with their manga licenses.
That really sucks, but I guess there is no point in lamenting...
Still waiting patiently for JNC to somehow obtain the license for this. 😥
I wouldn't hold your breath.
Reading back through the comments in this topic, the impression I got was that Alphapolis treats their writers like shit and Sam doesn't want to license from a firm where it won't be of benefit to the author.
The sense that whether it gets an English license or not won't have any impact upon the author's finances, that the only folks seeing any of the money would be the fat cats at the top of Alphapolis.
Sam has problems with that, and I'm glad he does. -
Alpha Polis in the first place refuses to license their LNs so... Basically both parties have no intention of licensing things. 😅
Meh. I'm just dying for a professional translation of it. Will Alpha start translating its own titles?
@Eminent said in Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu:
Meh. I'm just dying for a professional translation of it. Will Alpha start translating its own titles?
They might, but that doesn't necessarily make them "professional". One of their manga in the first few chapters (I didn't read it fast enough at launch and I'm not paying them money to read locked chapters so haven't gone beyond that to know if it improves) had the phrase "isn't that wee rather wrong" (whatever that means) on at least three separate occasions.
@Shiroi-Hane said in Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu:
the phrase "isn't that wee rather wrong" (whatever that means)
I mean... I can think of a meaning, but it's really weird. Like, "why are they talking about urine" levels of weird. And I'm fairly certain that's not what they were talking about...
Bumping to get this licensed
It got a season 2, but where's the LN? Still being hogged by Alpha huh?