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Risou no Himo Seikatsu | The Ideal Sponger Life [Licensed by J-Novel Club]
I am honestly surprised that J-Novel didn't license this yet. It is one of best LNs out there (unless there is licensing troubles).
@oristo42 said in Risou no Himo Seikatsu | The Ideal Sponger Life:
I am honestly surprised that J-Novel didn't license this yet. It is one of best LNs out there (unless there is licensing troubles).
It's not that surprising given that the publisher is one JNC hasn't worked with yet, so establishing that connection would have to come first. The fact that Seven Seas has the manga so they might be trying to license the LN as well doesn't help.
How good a novel is isn't really a good predictor of how likely it is to be licensed.
@oristo42 yea it wouldn’t be a good business decision to license the LN when Seven Seas has the manga, it might hurt relations.
@legitpancake said in Risou no Himo Seikatsu | The Ideal Sponger Life:
yea it wouldn’t be a good business decision to license the LN when Seven Seas has the manga, it might hurt relations.
Uh, with Seven Seas licensing manga of JNC novels I don't think it's a problem.
@wellwisher said in Risou no Himo Seikatsu | The Ideal Sponger Life:
@legitpancake said in Risou no Himo Seikatsu | The Ideal Sponger Life:
yea it wouldn’t be a good business decision to license the LN when Seven Seas has the manga, it might hurt relations.
Uh, with Seven Seas licensing manga of JNC novels I don't think it's a problem.
Yeah, it's not really an issue of relations; it's more just that Seven Seas would likely have "first dibs" on the LN and, if they are in the process of licensing negotiations, that could keep other publishers away from the title or force them to make larger offers that they might not deem worth it.
I'd really like to see this licensed, it definitely deserves it.
This post is deleted! -
Yes please! One of my favourite series so far and I need more
If Seven Seas wont bite, it'd be nice to see JNC pick this up. This novel's development is like a snowball rolling down a big hill. It just gets better as it picks up steam.
It's one of those cases where I am interested in the manga but would rather read the LN since manga always has less detail.
So yeah, another interested person here. -
It seems that the existing TL has, like some others that I knew, succumbed to either laziness, new interests, tl burnout, RL issues and/or DMCA.
The announced xmas release is vaporware, and a chapter every 3 months or more is too long imo, unless the tl is actually releasing current issue near simultaneously, then it is acceptable. Remember the original TLs of HS DxD, Alderamin, Vanadis, Mahouka? (mahouka gets a pass due to sooo much pseudoscience terminologies) Yeah, starting to look like those. I remember one TL who was complaining about his "broken" laptop delaying updates, when he got reader donations, he ghosted.
you have my vote
I am a fan of the manga and the light novel. I hope the Light Novel get an English version publisher so I can enjoy both versions.
Right now I depend on Novel Planet and the work of the translator. Unfortunately, the translations, while very good, are infrequent. I hope the translator can get re-energized and find time to continue the work, bit in any case I remain grateful for the over 7 volumes completed.
Someday, there will be high quality auto translations so I can buy the Japanese version and get it translated at home. In the meantime, I depend on the passion, generosity, and effort of private translators until regular publishers can take over.
Again thanks for the work to date and hope 2020 sees more chapters. ❤️❤️
@gprovida said in Risou no Himo Seikatsu | The Ideal Sponger Life:
Someday, there will be high quality auto translations
Sorry, that was rude of me. Carry on.
I'm surprised Seven Seas didn't bring this over yet. I have plenty on my plate to read right now, so not dying for it. I might give the manga a go.
I just read in Novel updates Forum on this book the translator has walked away from the series due to changes of interest. Disappointed to have read that and hoping this is picked up by Jnovel or someone
This is one of my most wanted light novels. I've been following the manga and love all the politics and court intrigue they have to deal with, intercut with them sitting in air condition and playing video games in the royal palace.
I really hope this series gets licensed over here.
I would love to see this LN licensed by JNC. Especially since it's kind of a hidden gem unlike any other LN I have ever read.
It rarely happens, but the series is ongoing and a 13th volume comes out this month in Japan!
I remember folks early on saying this series was anti-harem. I'm guessing it doesn't stay that way (just based on the covers)?