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Kenja no Deshi wo Nanoru Kenja [Licensed by Seven Seas]
Yeah, kinda surprised no one has bothered licensing it yet.
Seven Seas seems the most likely to get it, although I'd rather JNC get it so I can get a weekly dose of Mira :P
@TUSF I also would rather like to see this getting licensed by J-Novel Club. I totally want the premium ebooks with the high resolution covers and illustrations (and my weekly dose of Mira). I hope JNC can built up a relationship with Micro Magazine.
I‘ve read the fan translation of the web novel version until it turned into gibberish and I totally loved it. And I would love to see the light novel getting licensed too!
I was really happy when I heard that A Wild Last Boss! got licensed. Now I‘m setting my eyes on this one too. Please license it!!!
I want this novel getting licensed too. Since i heard there are a lot of world building in this novel.
Hopeful JNC will licensed this -
Here's the full volume 12 cover from the artist's pixiv in case anyone's interested.
I find gender benders really hard to like because none try to address the fact that a person went from being one gender to another. Its more like, "oh, I am a girl now, oh well", then the story continues with protagonist being a natural in their new gender.
Volume 13 will be released on the 29th May:
Dear J-Novel Club, please give yourself a push and license this novel! I want to read about Mira's adventures every week!!! And I want bonus stories, or extra illustrations! -
Sweet. Always glad to get new volumes for this out in Japan cause it means it's active and there are great new illustrations/covers.
The votes for this novel are at 80, so only 20 votes are missing to reach the 100 mark. We can do it!!!
No other publisher than J-Novel Club shall license this! -
Why didn’t I see this gem?! Upvote!
@Clarabelle No other publisher? But JNC is literally one of the few publishers that hasn’t licensed from Micro Magazine...
An Anime Adaptation has been announced for this.
@Aruseus493 I smell Licence for some Reason!
@TheRedJet Me too.:) It would be awesome, if J-Novel Club would finally license this, now that an anime adaption got announced!
I'm also hoping this gets picked up by J-novel club. Read a bit of the scanlated manga and it looked interesting.
@LegitPancake That's why it's really about time J-Novel Club etablishes a connection with Micro Magazine.
It will get an anime adaption? Now I’m hooked, upvote!
I really hope someone picks it up now that it has d an anime.
@Village-Idiot Agreed. This would be a great time to license the original novel since there will be a considerable amount of attention drawn to the series by the anime.