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Record of Grancrest War / Grancrest Senki
"On the continent Atlatan threatened by demons from another dimension called Chaos, the nobility fought back using Crests, which gave them superhuman powers. However, rather than join forces to end Chaos, the nobles instead fought each other to gain more Crest powers and lands. The story focuses on Siluca Meletes, a young mage who scorns the feuding lords for abandoning their people and Theo Cornaro, wandering knight and Crest holder who is trying to liberate his hometown from its tyrant lord. Joining forces, Siluca, Theo and their allies fight together to end the wars between the nobility and end Chaos."
From the creator of Record of Lodoss War comes this fantasy story that feels like someone novelized Fire Emblem. There's an anime running at the moment which got off to an unfortunate rocky start as it's trying to cram the entire 10-volume series into 24 episodes, but it's since bloomed into one of the most entertaining anime I've seen in ages and I'm incredibly curious about the source material.
That seems really interessting!
going to stalk the anime -
The anime is super fast paced but I kinda like it. It kills cliffhangers fast. Not sure how the LN is tho but I’m sure I’d like it.
We have Record of Lodoss War so this one is not that far fetch, maybe Seven Seas could also get this one if JNC does not.
I'm really liking the anime, both the action and the romance are top-notch. The first few episode were way too fast-paced, but once the plot got going it really delivered.
Action, politics, intrigue, romance. This series has it all. I want to read the novels!
I, uh, was a bit traumatized with episode 9 of the anime.
So, if the novels do get licensed, I'll sure be asking about first impressions from you guys. XD -
@shrike_al I've heard that the novel actually cuts away in "that scene" before it, um, gets underway. Personally though, I really liked how disturbingly it was directed. Very appropriate.
@rosiero What ticked me was how they showed it right after the love scene between the MCs. I was like... "GAAAAAAH!"
I'm planning on getting married this December, dammit!
@shrike_al Haha, but that's part of the genius! Any art that can get that sort of reaction, where you feel horrible because you're too invested, that's pretty awesome. I watch the show with my boyfriend, and we're both such romantics that we couldn't stop raving and ranting for -days- after that episode. But then there's a fantastic payoff in
I too have been enjoying the anime and would love to read the novels. +1
I haven't seen the Grancrest anime but I really enjoyed the old Record of Lodoss War anime and was planning on picking up the novel. I'd definitely try this series if JNC picked it up!
@raddevlin It's quite different from Lodoss though. Most of the guys I know who watched this because of Lodoos all had their expectations betrayed. It takes some getting used to. But for what it is, Grancrest is pretty good.
@shrike_al Hmm, well I wouldn't say I really have any expectations other than a certain level of quality so that's probably less of an issue to me - I'd still like to check Grancrest out. Still, thanks for the heads up!
I would love this one. Straight fantasy from a veteran writer. Anime looks good but I’ll hope for the LNs before watching
This is the series I have been dying to read. Now that J-Novel has started publishing light novels from Kodokawa (Amagi Brilliant Park is published by Fujimi Fantasia Bunko (Fujimi Shobo) the same magazine as Grancrest) it may have a chance to get a license.
The anime was good but quite fast paced so hopefully LN has more detail, character, and world building. It's also a complete series so there is an actual end to look forward too which is really nice.
The manga series has been licensed by Viz media and the first volume is coming out on November 13. Still hoping for a light novel license.
Today is the day the manga version comes out in English!
The physical manga copy is 5 bucks on Amazon (US) right now.
Whoops, I thought it was coming out next month... and I just got this month's manga haul! I guess I'll have to wait a little bit before I can pick it up.