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Darling in the Franxx Discussion
@paul-nebeling I got that impression from Nana seeming to have head pains near the end. But it might mean nothing after all.
A lot of foreshadowing of what is to come in this episode?
Just rewatched Ep 16. Some thoughts and comments before Saturday.
- There is definitely something that Dr. Franxx is referring to in Nana's past that she doesn't remember. I can't commit to a memory erasure though. Could the twinge of pain be an indicator of an old injury? Concussion with amnesia, maybe?
- In the OP, none of the couples could touch their partner. Also, while Zero Two did disappear twice, so did Hiro. To quote an often used line, "I've got a bad feeling about this."
- More of the parasites are showing signs of physical or mental deterioration than are not. All of this can be explained by stress, and sitting idle for a month could be causing it.
- In the ED, all out the parasites are wearing "contemporary" clothing and are in "real-world" settings. (Zero Two in a school uniform is rather cute.) Any thoughts on what that might signify?
@paul-nebeling - Did you also notice in the new OP the quick shot of what I believe is the Klaxsaur princess/mother?
@g Would that be the very brief flash of someone with what looks like spindly wings?
@paul-nebeling - Yep. I also think you get a brief look at her during the episode as well
Holy crap, what a rollercoaster ride. Was not expecting one of those developments at all. That's got to be the biggest death flag that they've run up the pole so far. The spoiler questions are...
Eight more episodes to go and waiting for next week is going to be torture. -
Fuck you 9 Alfa, you don't mess with best girl (Nana <3) mfer.
Speaking of the Nines, my knowledge of the Greek alphabet is lacking. What letter is Iota? I know the first five, after that I'm lost.
@paul-nebeling I think the Dr. wants the 13s to hate papa. I really hope they do. As for the death flag, yup it’s definitely a massive one. I also found the Hiro and Zero Two moment cute.
I honestly see the 13s changing sides when they find out the truth. Of course we don’t know it ourselves but we have gotten clues at what actually is going on. -
@hyferzftw Ooh yeah. First spoiler was so cute. The second one, I don't know.
This really could get ugly.
Squad 13 is the only reason that they got to the Grand Crevasse.
@paul-nebeling well it might actually not be true, Zero Two probably doesn’t know much about the topic either tbh. So I wouldn’t be surprised if it actually works out with Hiro. She might think since she is different it won’t workout.
The Klaxosaurs remind me a little bit of the Phrase in Smartphone. Here's why:
- Come in varying sizes and shapes
- Can only be defeated by destroying core
- Most seem to be autonomous, but not very intelligent. I.e. No coordinated attacks
- Have an upper tier form that is humanoid
- Seem to have one single ruler
Not to say there aren't differences:
- The Phrase are extra-dimensional in origin
- The Phrase are considerably harder to kill
- Their agendas are different
And most importantly... - The Phrase are clearly "the bad guys"
Here’s a wild ass theory. Could this actually turn out to be male vs female?
From what I recall all of APEs counselors are male while the Klaksaurs have a female Princess. There is also Alpha’s comments in the current episode about gender being a pain and the only reason APE has the two genders is to pilot the FranXX?
In my mind, after all this, I can't help but wonder who the Doctor really is.
Following this, I also can't help but wonder what Evangelion could've been if Shinji had man up.
There was that "destroyed by your creation" line - APEs = AIs that are "better" than humans, without those pesky genders and emotions and stuff, Papa is the first AI dictator that took over for humanity's good or whatever - probably because of whatever happened (global pandemic?) to warp humanity from what they were into klaxosaurs.
They build themselves some humans because they need them for the franxx for whatever reason (probably a flaw created by the Dr so he could get to the end game eventually with the 13s) and the name 'parasites' itself is derogatory cause the meat popsicles are closer to natural not "improved" like the empty oldies Zorome met. Dr Franxx seeming to be originally human doesn't fit unless he's a special case though, sure he made the Franxx but before that why would they have kept him? Just a plot hole or? I wonder if there's some parallel to The Matrix with the APEs farming humans for some reason. Could be as simple as keeping humanity "pure" and "safe" while natural humans have evolved "undesirably" and need to be purged.
@smashman42 liking your theory the best so far.