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Darling in the Franxx Discussion
@paul-nebeling said in Darling in the Franxx Discussion:
Honestly, I thought Ichigo got over her rejection a bit too quickly.
True, that's part of the "condensed final ep" vibe I had - like a quick & dodgy ending cause they know something's being cancelled.
@g If so, I hope it turns out better than SAO's did. Done right, they can be an interesting diversion. Done wrong, well, where's the Next Chapter button on the remote?
@paul-nebeling Re:Creators’ recap episode is probably the best I’ve ever seen. It was hilarious.
@legitpancake Meteora best girl.
Still, even if it was a recap as enjoyable as that one, the wait will be painful.
So watching the episode again a few things popped out at me. What's up with the 9's role reversal with the female on "top" and the male on the "bottom"? What are the horns sprouting from the male 9's?
@g I think they are a perfected version of Zero Two. Well not perfected but more controllable. We kinda knew/saw that Zero Two doesn’t obey commands all the time, but we see the new squad grow holographic horns and also obey commands with no problem. They are also a lot stronger than the generic squads. As for the reverse positions inside the franxxx, I’m not entirely sure they are all 2 genders piloting as I couldn’t tell if both partners were different genders or the same for some of them.
@hyferzftw some of those female Pilots borderline look like clones
I went and rewatched the latest episode and came away with more questions than I started with. Some of the better ones...
- It sounded to me like the leaders in command center had or were building something as a plan B
- There were five plantations heading to the Crevice. Three were destroyed (I'll count 13 as destroyed) leaving two. Is that enough for humanity to survive?
- With plantation 13 effectively destroyed, what will happen to the squad?
- Was it just me, our does it sound like Hiro and Zero Two are planning a little trip with Strelezia?
- Speaking of the happy couple, just how much "trouble" will arise when new sleeping quarters get assigned?
- Just what is that massive arm?
Did anyone watch the Playback Special? Instead of just pasting a bunch of scenes around for 20ish minutes they did VA interviews, a part on the individual adapting the story into the manga and finally a few words from the director.
I was surprised the manga is being done by the To-Love-Ru guy, the whole this is his first time drawing digital and why was interesting too.
@g Yes, I finally got around to watching it. Much better than just a collection of clips.
Damn this new episode and the FEELS from it. Also was that the queen that was mentioned at the beginning that was shown at the end? I feel like Zero Two might have actually been a princesses that was kidnapped as a child. Honestly can’t wait for the next episode. Also why is it when characters say they will be “together forever” kinda trigger a death flag. I sure hope not 😢.
@hyferzftw Too much Grimgar. ;-)
@paul-nebeling maybe, it is one of my top 3 favorite series frim JNC.
Ok, that was rather different. Tossed out a whole lot more questions than it answered, and left some previously asked questions unanswered. Some of the lines of came away with:
On to next week!
@paul-nebeling not surprised about Hiro and Zero Two, they are in a way the most mature of the couples so far. I’m just happy they aren’t shying out like in most anime. I think Dr. Franxx is actually not working with the apes as of now. So he is a wild card. They kind of started to notice they were “abandoned” so they are starting to think wrong of “Papa” . Maybe that’s Dr. Franxx’s plan, to get Hiro and his squad to “betray” the apes therefore putting Dr. Franxx in the thrown. After a massive fight happens.
Great episode.
Some things that caught my attention:
You know, I'm wondering whether Zero Two might actually be part human, and the story in the picture book might actually be talking about her parents, and the princess referred at the beginning is actually her mother.
@shrike_al that’s a very interesting theory.
I got a huge calm before the storm vibe, and yeah maybe it's too much Grimgar but "together forever" screams death flag to me.
@shrike_al Hmmm. I missed that first spoiler, although Nana did seem less than pleased with her orders from Dr. Franxx. As for the second spoiler, I sort of got the impression that she had always been filling her horns and her letting them grow was just another sign of how feet gone she had been. I like your final theory.