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Darling in the Franxx Discussion
Damn. So much things in the new episode. A wedding definitely wasn't something I expected to see.
I really like the scene where Zero Two had her solo brawl.
@shrike_al She was a lot less effective than I expected her to be. Then there is Hiro who
To be fair, I thought the nines were something like perfected hybrids based on her or whatever, so yeah she'd trash normal soldiers in that situation but of course a group of almost as strong as her beings would hand her her arse.
@smashman42 Given that she was outnumbered eight to one, I expected her to lose. I wasn't expecting her to go down without getting one good hit in.
@paul-nebeling Maybe the taunt they threw in about her playing human too long had some truth to it? I dunno.
@smashman42 Or maybe like a Jian, her greatest power can only be achieved in conjunction with Hiro. He was face down in the dirt with a gun to the back of his head during that fight.
I sure hope that the Nines get their collective asses handed to them.
@g I think that's coming next time the Franxx get deployed.
I'm also expecting some interesting/distressing developments when Kokoro and Mitsuru(spelling?) trying to pilot a Franxx again. It's been shown that tampering with memories effects a parasite's ability to pilot, and here we will have both parasites have had their memories altered. I'm also anticipating a third "person" joining their mental link.
I'd have assume the few weeks they've been away would have prevented any 3rd person existing, or do you mean like some sort of supernatural stuff?
I’m expecting a rebellion soon. I think they had enough after this weeks episode.
@smashman42 I'm going to be guardedly optimistic and say that they missed that development because the thought of it happening doesn't occur to them. The knowledge is forbidden. The act, unthinkable. Actually succeeding, "Inconceivable!" (Yes, that's a Princess Bride reference.)
Oh, was this the first full on screen confirmation (via flashback) about Hachi & Nana's past as parasytes? I know it has been assumed for ages, but was it confirmed before now?
Paul Nebeling Premium Member last edited by Paul Nebeling May 20, 2018, 2:05 PM May 20, 2018, 2:04 PM
@smashman42 Definitely for Nana. I didn't see anyone I identified as Hatchi. I'm just assuming he was there. Speaking of Hatchi, was it just me, or did he look less than pleased with the way things were going? He certainly expressed dissatisfaction with his ability to provide comfort to Squad 13.
For "emotionless" humans, they sure seem to display a lot off them. Hatchi seems remorseful. Nine Alpha is arrogant and proud. I'm sure there are other examples.
@paul-nebeling I thought he was the guy with longer hair that pulled her out of the Franxx her partner was splattered all over? I though the face was similar & he just has a buzz cut now as a "time has passed" quick hack.
Edit: yeah, they aren't doing a good job of that emotionless thing.
Papa also went full Seele this ep with the discarding their bodies line
@smashman42 I thought it was Hachi with the long hair too. I imagined their relationship was similar to Hiro and Ichigo's relationship at the beginning, but in reversed roles.
I was expecting to see some older Franxx models in the flashback, but damn, the cut was too quick.
You know, I'm kinda curious with what the staff had in mind regarding Futoshi's character. I can't help but feel they were deliberately trolling some people.
After watching a couple of reviews, I picked up on something. Intentionally or otherwise, Mitsuru and Kokoro still have their rings. That really makes me think that Kokoro is pregnant.
@paul-nebeling also someone mentioned that it was most likely Dr. Franxx that was the person that “altered” their memories. Which kinda makes me think he didn’t do a good job on purpose.
@paul-nebeling Hey, I thought the same thing! I wonder whether it'll be a plot point later on.
Anyway, will this really be 22 episodes? I remember the weekly reviewer at ANN having issues about the story's pacing.
Some people also seem to have problems regarding Ikuno's confession. But I think the staff handled it well enough for the Japanese audience.
@shrike_al Why? It wasn't anything over the top. It also made sort of logical sense. Similar to what happened between Hiro and Zero Two.
Speaking of Hiro, how long before he goes off?
Wow. The most recent episode was a flashback episode. Most of the things we were wondering about were answered. Turns out my theory was close, only with the roles reversed!
Still no clues for where APE came from.
@Paul-Nebeling Last week, they thought Ikuno's confession was undermined by comparing her to how Ichigo was before. Sorry for the late reply.