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Darling in the Franxx Discussion
@paul-nebeling The big problem with the "it's actually alien invaders" twist in anime like this is that we have 4 episodes left.
So lets say the klaxaurs and parasites/remaining humans all somehow band together and defeat VIRM's fleet once and for all etc.
They're then left with a basically dead planet and the likely prospect of getting invaded again in XXX years when the VIRM will be back.This is fine for hollywood movie franchises, but for a 2 cours anime with low chance of a major sequel project there's no way to truly wrap up the story when aliens are the big boss. Unless you go full gurren lagan and even then that ending was meh.
Although I suppose an ending where everyone on earth is rapidly rebuilding in harmony with the klax's and preparing a massive space armada to go genocide some VIRM homeworlds would be pretty kick ass.
@paul-nebeling Huh? Now that you mention it, her blood really was red. Man, I really didn't notice that!
I really wonder whether the other Alphas are similar to what Zero Two previously was. Like, maybe they were "spares" of her or something.
Yup. I agree with your end screen prediction.
(I thought this would be 22 episodes BTW.)
Zero Two’s is kind of enigma, isn’t she? The young Zero Two looks very similar to the princess, but red instead of blue and and of course the blue blood. The current Zero Two looks very human like now with the exception of her horns, fangs and the red coloring around her eyes. Could her having red blood now also be part of her changes?
What caught my attention were the comments the princess makes about her
@g Zero Two isn't that much of an enigma. After his first encounter with the Princess, Werner Franks came away with a handful of hair, presumably from the Princess. Zero Two has always been refereed to as a human-klaxosaur hybrid. The only real mystery at this point would be "Who provided the human DNA?"
While I've not got a shred of evidence of either of these guesses, my thoughts are:
- The human DNA for Zero Two came from Franks' wife.
- Hiro will be revealed as a clone of Dr. Franks.
Well I’m expecting Zero Two and Hiro to pilot that huge mecha now. I kinda felt sad watching this episode. It’s usually Hiro who chases Zero Two, but it was reversed now. Hopefully they die together or live together. Cuz I’m getting a vibe of one of the two is going to happen.
Well, that escalated quickly! Space battles now?
Very Eva with the whole piloting captured/modified versions of their enemy.
Has maybe Hiro infected (for lack of a better word) 02 the same as she's infected him, with the blood colour change I mean. Or maybe it's just if she's leaning more human she has red blood, more klaxosaur blue?
The Princess didn't seem to consume Hiro much, even after letting off a stupid huge blast. If he's immune to the copy, is he immune to the original too or just lucky so far?
Oh, crap. That was a awesome episode, but we have to wait an entire week to see who survived and who didn't. What the heck are they going to do for three more episodes?
I think there is going to be a season two.
@hyferzftw It does seem to lead in that direction.
Honestly, I thought the episode title itself was a death flag & was just waiting for the end to see who it was.
@smashman42 Oh yeah. Both me and my son were a little creeped out when we saw the title. There were certainly enough dead bodies by the end of the episode. The biggies that I noticed were
Did I miss anything? (Probably)
So she isn’t dead which makes me happy. But what comes next I’m not feeling optimistic about. It could possibly have a bitter sweet ending. I just hope they end up together again.
Ok. Definitely have mixed feelings about this episode. First off, the mysterious survival of everyone in Squad 13 was sort of revealed at the end of the last episode. Spoilery discussion follows. I'll drop the spoiler tag in a few days. Maybe.
Two episodes left. How are they going to wrap this up?
@paulnamida Your observation is correct. I wonder if his memories might be coming back.
@paul-nebeling seems like it.
Phew, episode 23 was really rushed. Still, for a collaboration between two studios (which are usually mediocre), I think things were handled really well.
I get this feeling that the production staff were leaving things open just in case they get a chance to do a sequel. But in doing so, they tripped a bit in the storytelling. People have been saying the story won't end well. But I dunno. Still really like it though. It has been a very long time since we got a scifi mecha anime this good.
I read a theory yesterday that the horns were the place of the soul/memory. The physical Zero Two losing the horns were a sign that her mind is no longer there.
Again, I was only expecting 22 episodes. Imagine my surprise there were actually two more.
@hyferzftw I was wondering that myself.
@paul-nebeling I feel like there would be no point in not doing so cuz if there is a way for him to get her back to her body it would probably require Zero Two’s body.