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Problem downloading mixed bathing in another dimension on ipad
Hello I been trying to download this title from my library but it’s been more than 20 minutes and I just get a blank page.
Can you tell me how to fix this.
Thank you
Arturo Duarte Avina
if you're trying to download directly through Safari, wait a small while for the download to finish, it'll technically just show a white screen for a while then "Open in iBooks" and just "More...." that'll give u the option to send it to your prefered epub reader (i just use iBooks on my iphone since it has both scrolling and page turning day/night modes)
if you're not trying to download with Safari, then idk, i log into the site with Safari but use Chrome as my main cause Safari makes it easier for me to DL
@arturoduarteavina1979 If you're using Chrome, hold down on the Download link until the pop-up menu appears, then select "open in new tab." Head over to that new tab and tap "download" in the bottom right corner. When it's done, you can then tap "Open In," and choose the app you want to read it in (like iBooks).