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Report Website Bugs Here!
@myskaros Yeah it was fixed about an hour after I posted that message, thanks.
The calendar link for Zero Believers (December) opens Apothecary diaries.
@neyney Fixed!
Calendar link for The Reincarnated Princess Spends Another Day Skipping Story Routes got broken now it shows 404 instead of series
@neyney Also fixed!
approx 72% of the way through.
Image of Rose not loading. -
For some reason I can’t read the 4th chapter from the latest volume and the other ones (5,6) of Fushi no Kami without getting logged out from the app, and also can’t read them through the website since they don’t even appear the latests chapters.
@innate I have same issue.
@weasalopes Yay! It works now!
@innate @biggredd You seem to be using the old app, which is no longer supported. It has a bug where it shows parts that are not available to read yet. Please refer to the release calendar to see when parts are officially released:
Part 4 only went live about 3 hours ago, so given the time of your posts you tried to access it before it was live.
We also recommend that you swap to the beta app, which is currently in development and we hope to release officially soon.
- "you are not allowed to read this part" works just fine, however. -
@weasalopes The first link is to a chapter in volume 1, which the prepub is expired. The second link is a chapter in volume 2, which is still available for streaming.
EDIT: I think the calendar link was incorrect; it has now been fixed, so hopefully that resolves the above issue!
Yeah.I suspect that using a Whole Chapter Number (cumulative number of chapters published from issue 1 chapter 1) in the link while using a 'volume number chapter number' description in the calendar might help explain this; Volume 2 Chapter 4 being Chapter 9 if you count from the beginning of the manga.
All the other manga chapter links currently showing on the calendar have the volume number and chapter number as part of the URL, while this title doesn't, rather using the Whole Chapter Number as the individual identifier (which doesn't reflect how the chapter is titled 'in volume').
Being inconsistent in how the links are formed doesn't help any...
This post is deleted! -
Hi, I'm having some trouble where the website pre-pub reader doesn't remember my single page setting. I'd like to be able to keep it 'locked' to the single page view mode when it loads new parts.
It correctly remembers the rest of the font/size/etc. settings, but the page mode reverts every time a new part is loaded, whether it's auto-loading sequential parts of the same book, manually selecting a different part from the dropdown menu, or opening a different pre-pub manually. It's a minor, but extremely frequent annoyance.
I'm reading on Microsoft Edge Version 95.0.1020.38 for Windows 10. Please let me know if you need any more information.
Failed to load data: TypeError: Failed to validate data.month=09 and month=11 both work just fine.
Using the "Darkly" skin, the search result dropdown menu text seems to have the same color as the background. Which makes it hard to see the results. I'm using Windows 10 Build 19042 and tested it on chrome and edge.
When I went to the last page of manga version of I Shall Survive Using Potions volume 8 part 2, it displayed the source code instead. It showed <!doctype html> and <html> content. I was login as user in Firefox on iPad.
On the Series page it doesn't show part 3 as available.
It's most of an hour since it showed as available on the Calendar page.
It returns a lovely 404 error. Fight, Yurika, fight! -
@weasalopes said in Report Website Bugs Here!:
On the Series page it doesn't show part 3 as available.
It's most of an hour since it showed as available on the Calendar page.
It returns a lovely 404 error. Fight, Yurika, fight!I reported it in Discord a few minutes ago. The event was setup wrong in the calendar. The part is supposed to come out at the same time as Realist Hero. It's been updated to show the correct time now; still ~1 hour for it to come out.