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Report Website Bugs Here!
OS: Windows, browser: Chrome.
I used to sign in with my google account, but this week the login only says "SSO authorization failed, check console for details", and the console "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 ()"Somebody on the support team sent me a link to reset my password for the old site (I was not using the old site), and it worked 3 days ago, but today I can't log neither with google, or my mail/password on the new site (I prefer the new site, seeing it was the only I knew). On the new site, after trying to log, appears a loading image, and nothing happens.
@silbread Hi there. Right now, we won't be able to get any fixes done on the website, so please send another e-mail to support and have them help you out. We're really sorry for the inconvenience.
I can't seem to read My Next Life as a Villaness volume 2 parts 3 or 4 (as catchup not owned). It just displays a blue screen that says "back to reading" and "next chapter" without letting me access the part. Scrolling through the chapter just shows a blank screen.
I'm using Windows 10 on Firefox. -
@zelda-expee You don’t happen to live in Japan, do you?
@legitpancake nah, I live in the US. Does being in Japan make a difference?
@zelda-expee Some licenses are region-locked because of the contract with the publisher. Maybe your IP is being detected as being in one of those region-locked states.
(At least I think that's what @LegitPancake was hinting at.)
EDIT: Either way I think the site should really display some kind of warning/message for region-locked licenses...
@terabyte Makes no sense that every other part would be available if it was region locked though. I can confirm I see the same problem, parts 3 and 4 do not load, but part 5 works perfectly fine on the new site.
@zelda-expee for what it's worth, the error only seems to be on the new site, if you drop back to the old site the two affected parts seem to load properly on the old reader.
@zelda-expee Does it still error out for you? I'm trying to reproduce this issue and got no luck on that front. If you could tell how you access the parts, so I can look further into it, I would be more than delighted!
All the Manga I try to read on my phone is upside down and mirrored making it impossible to read. I'm using the Microsoft edge browser.
@ben-scythe What device and operating system are you on? Manga loads normally for me on Microsoft Edge, so we need a little more information. Have you tried on other browsers? Do you have any add-ons? If so, have you tried disabling them?
@ben-scythe This appears to be a bug with drawImage() in Microsoft Edge. We suggest you either switch to our beta app instead (which you can find here) or use a different browser, otherwise you would have to wait for Microsoft to fix this bug.
@bastianinuk Since it's happening when I try as well, you just go to the series page and click on the button for Vol 2, parts 3 or 4 and it occurs.
I'm using Firefox 89.0.2 if it makes a difference.
@jpwong Are you using Windows here?
@bastianinuk Yes, desktop browser. Tried in Chrome and the part loads properly, so it seems to be a firefox issue.
@terabyte said in Report Website Bugs Here!:
EDIT: Either way I think the site should really display some kind of warning/message for region-locked licenses...
I don't think this site has any region locks on its titles, except for Japan. At least I haven't noticed anything different whenever I have happened to be on vpn...
@jpwong Do you maybe happen to have a firefox extension installed, maybe some content blocker?
@bastianinuk I do have adblock installed, but I also have that on Chrome. Launching the browser in troubleshooting mode with all extensions, themes and addons disabled still results in the same issue on Firefox.
Just to be clear, only Vol 2, parts 3 and 4 have this issue, every other part I've tried so far loads up properly without any issues.
@jpwong I'm on Chrome version 91.0.4472.124 and both parts work fine here. Have you tried clearing cache?
@korppi It works fine in Chrome (I mentioned that a few posts up), this is a Firefox bug only on the two specific parts of vol 2 on the new reader only as far as I can tell (I'm assuming the person who initially reported the issue is likely on Firefox as well, but they haven't commented any further on the issue)
Under the Release Calendar for September 16, it shows Realist Hero Volume 14 Part 9 and 10 being released at 19:00. Part 9 redirects correctly to the How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom page, but Part 10 redirects to Fushi no Kami page. Besides the supposed incorrect redirect, I find it odd that Part 10 would release along with Part 9 on the same date and time.
I would've posted a screenshot, but apparently I don't have enough privileges to do so as I'm just a pleb.