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Under User, sometimes there is the error "An unexpected error has occurred." and nothing loads.
When it does load, it says I'm not following any novels. -
I'm having issues with the new reader this morning, (on lap top using chrome) up till today it's been ok but now reading left to right it won't jump pages with mouse or buttons on keyboard It will scroll if I go to top to bottom reading but not left to right. The last week or so it's not been saving my location when I close out and come back the next morning I'm back at the beginning and I have to try and find where I left off at.
Just refreshed and got the revamped/new website. I tried to log in with my google account on the website and it keeps on giving me a 404 account not found error, so I'm locked out of reading anything. Luckily I'm still logged on in the forums but not sure how long that will last either.
@Delwack Sorry about that! You can still access the old site at while we look into that issue!
@myskaros Thanks for the quick reply.
I tried logging in from the old website via the google integration ('Sign in with Google' button) but it seems the integration with google is throwing me back into the new site even if I try to log in from the old, so still getting a 404 error.
Returning to old again after a failed login attempt (I figured maybe it registered it on old even if it threw a 404 on the new), and I'm still not considered logged in.
It's a miracle I'm still considered logged in on the forums from before the switchover.
@Delwack Again, very sorry about that. We are looking at it now and hope to have an answer soon. I'll let our developer know to update you here.
@Delwack We just updated the site to properly redirect you after signing in with Google. Do you mean to access the old site after logging in with Google?
I'm not getting the 404 anymore, so it is redirecting properly but it also appears I'm still not logged in.
I'm still getting the buy/subscribe buttons instead of read, and the button is still 'login' after the redirect instead of changing to account management. I tried using an incognito window to see if it had something to do with my current state but I got the same response; it is redirecting properly to the new site but I'm still in a state of not being logged in.
@Delwack I just tested SSO with a Google account, and it worked fine. What browser and what operating system are you using?
I'm using Chrome Version 89.0.4389.90 (Official Build) (64-bit);
Windows 10 Pro, version 10.0.19041I just updated my browser and same issue still. I'll try restarting my PC entirely and clearing my cache and see if that does anything. might be some weird cache thing since I keep multiple tabs for JNC open and I'm still logged into the forums.
turned of all chrome extensions, restarted computer (and thus restarted chrome). attempted to log in again, same issue. Was still logged into the forums after the restart.
Logged out of the forums to see if that was potentially causing it, and tried to log in again.
SSO logged me into the forums no problem but on the main site (old and new) I'm still not counted as logged in for some reason.
Thought it might be a cache issue, so closed out everything, and cleared past 4 weeks of chrome cache, and tried again, same results. SSO logs me into the forums, but for some reason on the main site it's just not registering me as logged in.
I tried again from Firefox, and I'm getting the same results (version 86.0.1 (64-bit))
Signs me into the forums just fine but main site is not counted as logged in.
@Delwack Could you send an email to referencing this thread? I'd like to troubleshoot further but may need screen recordings or personal data that shouldn't be in a forum thread
Roger, I've sent in a support request via email. Please let me know what else you need from me there!
Hi I had a problem with the follow button. I followed the series I’m reading so I could hit the follow button and have it only list the books I’m reading. I was checking out the other buttons in the same column, and now the follow button has disappeared so I can no longer list only the books I’m following.
@Segoth Are you saying that on the Series page, there is no "Follow Status" filter on the left side (or in the dropdown if you're on mobile)? Are you sure you're logged in?
@myskaros Oh never mind I see what the problem was, I just had to scroll down. Although I don’t remember doing so at first.
I miss the author, illustrator, translator and editor information on the new page. You can use them in the search, but where I can get them for a specific volume like on the old page? There's only the summary now. And any chance you include ISBNs in the future?
@Pegasolo That is already on our list to be added in the future. We can also consider adding ISBNs.
Just a reminder that we're collecting feedback and bug reports for the new website in this topic!
@myskaros Oh ok, should I repost in the other thread? Didn't see that.