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I'm not sure if I got a credit last month. Did my sub lapse?
I joined on December 5th, you get one for just signing up, right?
Then I'd have gotten one on Dec 15, Jan 15, and then Feb 15 would make 4, but I only own 3 books, and my status shows no credit. Let me know if I'm wrong.
@lecama157 hey, send an email to and I'll make sure you can reset your password.
When I attempting to download the ebook "Mixed Bathing in Another Dimension: The Fervent Sand Baths" this error message occurs:
{"error":{"name":"Error","status":500,"message":"ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/deploy/ebooks/mixed-bathing-in-another-dimension-the-fervent-sand-baths.epub'","errno":-2,"code":"ENOENT","syscall":"open","path":"/home/deploy/ebooks/mixed-bathing-in-another-dimension-the-fervent-sand-baths.epub"}}
Attempted download approximately 3/15/2017 8:28am PST.
@lecama157 send an email to from your email and I can manually reset your password.
I had the forum homepage up just now, not doing anything with it, when a user made a new post in a thread in the members only forum (which I don't have access to). For some inexplicable reason this post then appeared in the middle of the forums list, complete with user avatar.
Reloading the page made this disappear so it's not a major problem.
Browser: Firefox 52.0
link to screenshot: same thing happened when I created this post, with it appearing under the support forum
Disclamer: not a web dev, some suggestions may be bad
Reader doesn't work in IE. Not a big problem for PC users, but WInPhone users have no alternative (all other browsers seem to be using IE's JS engine as well).should've read opening post first : \Not exactly a bug, but UI controls jumping around is pretty annoying: on the first page (of title list or parts list) you have only "next" button, but as soon as you click it it gets replaced by "previous" button, putting inactive "previous button" on the first page would be better. Data about selected volume/part gets replaced with a small loading circle, using bigger circle or drawing something on top (not instead) of old page would look better. When switching between parts, most of loading time caused by JSON request even though the same exact JSON was requested for previous part.
Would be nice if web reader was saving font settings.
Even more unrelated to topic: Smartphone V2 part 1 isn't flagged as preview (not available for non-members).
@_08 Ah, thanks for the note about Smartphone V2 part 1... will put that up as preview.
Note I'm gonna keep volume 1 up for reading for a little bit longer since want to give new people a chance to catch up (buy the ebook for the full version and color plates though please!)
As for other comments on the UI: All that stuff annoys me too, and if I have time to work on polishing things on the website I'll address a lot of them (except for the IE 11 compatibility as that would require serious work... the web reader uses CSS3 heavily and the transpiler I use for javascript 6 also would seriously bloat the code to allow ie 11 backwards compatibility, slowing down the page load time for everyone else).
One more, in a mobile version of forums:
@_08 wow... If you didn't point out that I think that I would ever find out :sweat_smile:
The same problem repeated itself yesterday; this time I don't recall having used my premium points since last time, so I think its effect can be eliminated?
Still, I was a little late to respond due to junk mail filtering, but luckily I noticed it again... noticing these junk email things this fast makes me think that I'm probably too much of a social recluse, though... :)
Just wanted to note that I've been getting 503's on the forums (Site too busy try again later)
@Cole-Seeley I've noticed that, but it only ever happens once and on reload it's fine.
The server load doesn't seem to be an issue.
I've just gone and disabled traffic management for now.
It's not really a bug, and it's possibly intentional, but I didn't feel like starting a new thread:
The current thumbnail (with a red color scheme) for the May 4th start of Faraway Paladin v3 Primus appears to be the cover for Faraway Paladin v3 Secundus (or whatever it will be called). The cover for the JP v3 Primus book has a blue color scheme (Overlap page with book list).
@hatguy12 Naw we screwed up and typeset the wrong cover!
As an excuse, in the materials for voolume 3 (part 1), BOTH covers for parts 1 and 2 were included, so our cover designer didn't know which one was right.
I'll have all the thumbnails fixed when we launch it in a day or two.
For some reason, I can't hit back to go back a page on the website anymore. It's still doable in the app, but I tried two different browsers (Chrome without Extensions and IE 11), and I cannot reset reading status from 84%-100% back to 0.
@alocervancouver and this happens with every part? Can you click on the left side of the page to scroll back?
Happens with every part on the browsers. Clicking on the left side of the page also doesn't seem to work. In text, it's fine. It's only when you get to the blue screen in the next section that it locks in a way that you can't go back. -
This post is deleted! -
The page linked from the releases (calendar and front page sidebar) for Faraway Paladin v3 primus part 1 leads to a non-existent page.
A little educated guessing reveals that link was likely intended to be the following, as the page exists there:
Edit: Alright, this isn't as high priority an issue as I thought since it's possible to reach the correct page when navigating through available parts from any other Faraway Paladin page.