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Report Website Bugs Here!
This has probably been reported already, but often times when reading chapters on site, clicking/moving to the next page at around the 90% mark instantly jumps to the end of the chapter in spite of other pages remaining.
@thatsleepyguy Yeah, Sam is aware of it. It happens in ever part with images. Every additional images causes an additional page at the end. I usually just scroll till the end of the part (so all images load) and then go back and read from the start.
Cant reading any novel when i selected chapter it show blank page with 0% if i swipe to next page it reach 100%
and there i think website is more slower than usual
@earlykind I assume you are referring to the web reader when you say 0% - 100% all blank pages.
In that case I found that refreshing the page once or twice works, others have said logging out and back in does the trick for them.
If you are referring to the app, your login token may have expired, in which case you would have to sign back in.
As for speed issue it is a known issue.
When there are new "things" happening on the backend, that can cause a slowdown for activities such as reading parts. Those "things" include uploading new parts, launching new books, or removing expired books. Today is the 16th, which is when books get expired, so there were a bunch of books being toggled off the membership preview.
In the future, you shouldn't be surprised if things seem particularly slow on the 16th of the month, or on the day that the catchup titles get changed.
@myskaros The site has been quite slow for the past ~10 days though, not just today. I often had to wait for parts to load even half a minute in the web reader.
@terabyte Dunno what to tell you, I personally haven't had any problems until today, and I don't get any kind of secret special access, I go through the same channels as everyone else :X
And now all the titles on the site are gone, hope this gets fixed soon.
@eternal-wanderer Can you be more specific? I can see titles just fine on the website, and I can read parts on both the app and on the website, it just takes some time to load.
@myskaros said in Report Website Bugs Here!:
@eternal-wanderer Can you be more spe
Its working now so I don't really have more to say.
Sam mentioned that the server is maxing out its resources due to spikes in demand whenever popular parts are released, and so he planned to double the number of CPU cores in the server when he has the time.
hmm server spikes idea had crossed my mind, well atleast i'm not a vampire...........
I just paid for a yearly membership but I can't read anything , when I click on read now nothing happens
I can only read the preview . (╬ Ò ‸ Ó)OS:windows 10
browser:chrome Version 74.0.3729.157 -
@ellias Which LNs/parts are you trying to read exactly? Usually only the last volume being translated is available to read with a subscription (and maybe the previous volume, too, depending on the timing). Parts for volumes already published are usually locked and put away, except the first part of every volume available as a preview.
The only series you can fully read on the site are the ones on catchup each month. Right now there are 4 series on catchup you can fully read: Amagi Brilliant Park, Kokoro Connect, Lazy Dungeon Master, Seirei Gensouki.
@terabyte I found how to read after much pain. one must select the part and then click again on the "read now" button when there's already a "read now" inscription on the part you select!! truly not user friendly and confusing .and also I find uncomfortable to read it from the site as it is compare to a good reader . well anyway thank for you answer it was helpfull in finding out how to read thing on the site at least .
@ellias Yeah, I agree that the site needs a better UI. It was fine when they were starting out with few series/parts, but with all the new content since then it really needs a revamp. I read something is in the works(?) but no idea when they'll actually update the site sadly.
@terabyte btw do you happen to know where I can find the list or schedule for those series on catch up thx in advance
@ellias The catchup series are always listed on the homepage: but there is no schedule. The owner (Sam) decides them every time based on who knows which rules. (Well, usually he tries to rotate through all series, but sometimes he might prioritize a series if a new volume for it is coming out after a while or such.)
They are not updated always on the first of the month though. If you want you can also follow/watch this topic I maintain: - Every time the series on catchup are updated I updated the first post and post a reply to notify everyone.
Running Windows 10 here with Firefox.
I was trying to use my premium credit to get the Bookworm manga. The premium button on the manga page works, however, the use premium credit button does not work. All I'm getting is a sad little spinning circle. No amount of waiting completes the transaction. -
@ranmas Thats because there is no premium version of the manga. The premium redemption page is apparently auto generated, but the transaction wont go through as the book isn't available server side.