I will start us off with my first suggestion: I would like to see Tearmoon Empire get an audiobook format
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This series has all the elements that make for a great audiobook: a colorful cast of characters---each with their own distinct voice--a snarky narrator, delicious descriptive language, and a protagonist with such a clear voice that I can practically hear her whenever I read the page.
I want Tearmoon in as many forms as I can get it; I have preordered the manga and bought the LN is both digital and physical formats (yes, it's that good that I buy every volume twice). The only thing that would make me happier than if I got an audiobook version would be if an anime adaption got made as well! ^
^Side-note: Why hasn't this been made into already an anime? Reading the manga recently has only proven a long-standing belief that this would look amazing if made into an anime