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Kamisama no Goyounin
Kamisama no Goyounin (神様の御用人)
Publisher: Media Works Bunko/ASCII Media Works
Novel: 9+ ongoing since December 2020
Manga: 4+ ongoing
Official WebsiteSynopsis:
A "steward" is a human who asks after the needs of the gods. One day, after some strange geezer entrusts him with a book, chronic part-timer Yoshihiko Hagiwara finds himself calling on various of the countless deities and listening to their needs, accompanied by the fox god Kogane. Thus, he ends up at the beck and call of the gods of tale and legend, who seem more human than humans themselves.What can a mere human lacking any special powers or marvelous gadgets even do for them? And is he their assistant or just their errand boy? But there’s no denying the warm bond between the gods’ heartfelt wishes and humankind.
Why I Think It Should Be Licensed:
I think Kamisama no Goyounin would be a perfect fit for JNC: a combination of fluffiness and feels to make anyone fall in love with the series.
This series reminds me of Natsume's Book of Friends and Mushishi (both of which I love): a slice of life story that's heartwarming, sometimes melancholic, with a touch of supernatural where the MC travels across Japan to grant Gods' wishes, solve their problems, or perhaps just give them a sympathetic ear.
It seems to be fairly popular in Japan too. I found an article saying the sales exceeded $1 million copies after volume 6. It was also in the Top 30 on Bookwalker's literature ranking in 2017.
The series placed #5 in the the light novel category of the Sugoi Japan Awards in 2017. According to ANN, the awards are for "promoting pop cultural works that fans feel are most deserving of foreign attention...the awards promote the works that have the "universality," "originality" and "potential" to be big international hits."
Lastly, the series has gorgeous covers.
It's on my "Media Works Bunko" list of titles to suggest, but I think you did better job presenting it than I would have lol -
Looks great, I would buy the living hell out of this if it were licensed.
Spotlight time! A friendly bump to an older post that hasn't had any recent conversation and is lower on votes in order to draw attention to it.
I remember seeing some covers for this a few years ago, and thinking it looked beautiful and would be something I'd love to read. The story sounds like something really soothing and wholesome. After all this time I'm still hoping I'll be able to read this someday..
Never noticed this one before, but I'd definitely give it a look if licensed.
Still keeping my fingers crossed that this series will be picked up one day. Volume 9 came out on Christmas: