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Infinite Dendrogram - Anime Discussion
Here I hope we get to see that video about the PKs getting crushed by the Superiors.
@paulnamida I really want to watch Shu level the forest. Just to see how much effort the animators put into it.
UGH! we have entered the level of bad that I previously reserved for the Master of Ragnarok anime adaptation. I feel so sorry for the author...
I doubt J-Novel Club will see much of a bump for Dendro from this anime.
@paul-nebeling Well, didn't see a whole lot of the forest being leveled. But then again, in the novel, neither did anyone else. The cameras up close got destroyed immediately after all, so only those camera far away survived to actually show anything. So far the anime seems to be faithfully following the novel.
I have no problem with the adaptation so far, seems fine to me, not sure why you think it's bad O_o
@myskaros have you read the novels? The anime has cut so much as to become incomprehensible... many of the decisions to cut information they made now will come back to haunt them later in the story. There is zero drama, tension or even emotion... bad direction/storyboards or bad script (or both).
I get that it is a small studio without much budget but they should probably not have taken on an ambitious series like Dendro. Their limited capabilities seem better suited to CGDCT anime.
I've read the novels, and so far I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary or unexpected with the adaptation.
@Jason-Maranto I'm not sure what you mean by the anime has become incomprehensible due to cuts. There's plenty of information in the novels that, if included in the anime, would literally make the anime incomprehensible. Can you provide something more concrete?
FWIW, I never got a sense of drama, tension or emotion from the novels themselves, so it's fair to me that the anime would lack those qualities as well. I'd have to reread the first novel to see if I can divine why I don't get a sense from the novel, but I believe I'm recalling the novels being pretty consistent in telling me how I should be feeling rather than trying to draw me into what the character was feeling.
@jason-maranto Considering that I started the series about a week ago and am currently on number 9, I'm not really seeing a whole lot being cut. Of course the anime doesn't have the same level of detail as the light novel, but that's pretty much a requirement due to the nature of the media. And right now the anime is at the end of chapter six of volume 1. So what are you considering to be so critical that they've omitted?
After seeing ep 2 and 3 I agree with @Jason-Maranto, I wouldn't put it on the same level of bad as Ragnarok or Arifureta just yet but it's true that it felt rush and badly done. That slow-motion they tried to do when Ray is fleeing the superior killer looked ridiculous and the art for most of ep 3 looked really bad especially during fights, plus the characters look kinda derpy half the time.
But more importantly, the scene when Nemesis realizes that hasn't she been an embryo she would have been dead was rushed, when it should have been where they put most of their resources since that aspect of the series is what makes I.D. more than a generic VRMMO "isekai" with an op MC.
I hope they don't screw Gouz-Maise arc, it was by far the best part of the LN, and I feel like they're gonna censor it and maybe remove or cut the lich POV. -
Yes, I've read the books. No, I don't find the anime rushed or problematic at all. Is it the best it could possibly be? No, there are a lot of things that could be improved. Is it so bad that I'd stop watching it (like I did with Ragnarok)? Uhh, not even close.
for whatever reason - when Dendrogram was on catch-up (and when it was new) I just couldn't seem to get 'into' it (the LN) it seems like SAO wannabe or generic life in a video game. In retrospect- I didn't give it a chance. I find that I am enjoying the anime and am looking forward to it going on catch up next time so that I can dive in -- the anime did it's job (for me at least) and provided entertainment (good enough entertainment) for me to get interested in the LN. Is the anime the best anime ever? no. High art? definitely not. A slightly goofy diversion full of bear puns that might lead to a more dramatic story later...yea I can see that.
I like the angle that in game you actually end up empathizing w/ NPCs - quests have consequences if not completed successfully
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@jon-mitchell said in Infinite Dendrogram - Anime Discussion:
for whatever reason - when Dendrogram was on catch-up (and when it was new) I just couldn't seem to get 'into' it (the LN) it seems like SAO wannabe or generic life in a video game. In retrospect- I didn't give it a chance. I find that I am enjoying the anime and am looking forward to it going on catch up next time so that I can dive in -- the anime did it's job (for me at least) and provided entertainment (good enough entertainment) for me to get interested in the LN. Is the anime the best anime ever? no. High art? definitely not. A slightly goofy diversion full of bear puns that might lead to a more dramatic story later...yea I can see that.
I like the angle that in game you actually end up empathizing w/ NPCs - quests have consequences if not completed successfully
Having read all the Dendro LNs that are currently out in English and the first few Sword Art Online LNs, I believe Dendro is much better written overall, has more consistently good characters, and flows a lot better than SAO, at least in regard to what I have read of each. Especially for the Aincrad arc, I really think the anime cleaned it up a lot in SAO's case, and it's one of the few series where I've seen both the anime adaptation and read the LN it was based off of that I'd recommend the anime over the LN (and strongly).
I've got the advantage(?) of being in the Philippines right now with limited amounts of data and definitely not a good enough signal to stream videos on. I'll get to do a binge catchup when I get back to the states.
The anime is no masterpiece, that might be true. But so far, they did a good job.
The fights are not too long, which is good given the limited number of episodes. Overall it is far from being as bad as Ragnarok or Arifureta.What do you think, how far will they get story wise? Gouze Maise is a given. But will we also see Franklyn attacking Gideon?
@leinade Don't know. But since they've almost completed volume 1 with 3 episodes, gonna assume about the same rate of adaption, so they should finish up the cour with either volume 3, or volume 4 of the LN. Both volumes 3 & 4 end with cliffhangers, but there seems to be more closure with the volume 4 cliffhanger, so I'd bet on the cour ending with volume 4.
@leinade Well, they did cast Yoshitsugu Matsuoka as Franklin, so maybe?
Well, the animation itself can be problematic, though I don't think it's actually bad. Most of us are just probably spoiled to some extent by how good larger studios can make fights look.
As far as the adaptation goes, I think it's doing just fine. It's a fairly straightforward adaptation really, there shouldn't be and have not been much in the way of surprises.
The anime version Marie Adler has probably been the highlight so far, as far as bringing the characters to life.
Wow, this anime is progressing fast. Even I wouldn't mind if the fight this time would have been longer.....It felt a bit anticlimatic.
Nevertheless, it is impressive how they still show everthing crucial for the story so it doesn't get confusing without knowing the story from the LN. -
Hey there, so Infinite Dendrogram has always been my what if series. Early onto my JNC membership, Arifureta and this were both on catchup and I've stuck with Arifureta ever since.
So anyway, I've finished the anime, how many volumes did it cover? Was it covered well? Should I start with volume 1?