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2020/03/04 - Forum Maintenance
Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 4, 2020, these forums will be down for maintenance for 2 hours between 9-11 AM Pacific Standard Time (approximately 18 hours from this post). While maintenance is in effect, you will not be able to access the forums, including reading or writing posts. This will also affect new account creation; the registration page will lead to a maintenance notice during this time.
You will still be able to browse the website and read light novel and manga parts both on the website or via app. Any links that lead to forum discussions will not work, though.
Maintenance is now complete! If you find any bugs or errors while browsing the forums, please report them here!
Just a quick note for everyone, you can now put images inside a spoiler tag and it will show up when the spoiler is opened.
I am getting an "access denied" message when I try to use the search function.
testing -
@piisfun said in 2020/03/04 - Forum Maintenance:
I am getting an "access denied" message when I try to use the search function.
Yep, I can confirm I'm getting it, too.
Thank you for the heads up, it has been reported, however it may not be fixed immediately, your patience is appreciated, thank you.
The search function should now be working.
Thank you for your patience!
I can confirm that it is working.
It works, but... if you paste in Japanese text in the search bar, you get the equivalent of searching for nothing. The search box on the result page will accept it, though.
@SomeOldGuy Could you give me an example piece of JP text to work with?
@chocolatkey The one I was searching for was トニカクカワイイ, so I could post that it was being translated by Viz Media. When I put it in to the search box at the top of the page, the search was done for an empty string. When I entered it into the box on the results page, it found the topics where トニカクカワイイ was used.
Fonts got worse IMO. Text on web is usually 14pt sans-serif (forum's used to be14pt roboto which is about the same) or larger, updated forum's text is 14pt Segoe UI which is smaller.
Text in topic lists is way worse: recent topics info looks like this in chrome
and like this in firefox
(Segoe 300 and 500 are interpreted differently depending on browser) -
Avatar placeholders got the biggest downgrade but no one really cares about those.
And inability to edit posts after 1 hour is pretty brutal.
I have topic "Sort by" setting set to "Newest to Oldest". When I jump to a topic from "Home / Unread", it jumps to the bottom of the topic, which is the oldest topic.
@SomeOldGuy said in 2020/03/04 - Forum Maintenance:
@chocolatkey The one I was searching for was トニカクカワイイ, so I could post that it was being translated by Viz Media. When I put it in to the search box at the top of the page, the search was done for an empty string. When I entered it into the box on the results page, it found the topics where トニカクカワイイ was used.
Is it fixed now? I entered 神殿 from search bar and it properly found the post I made today.
@_08 said in 2020/03/04 - Forum Maintenance:
And inability to edit posts after 1 hour is pretty brutal.
I don't know about that. An hour is plenty of time to correct typos and such. But putting a lock on posts after an hour does prevent comically unsynced comments responding to each other.
The 1 hour lock will be removed (just not right at this moment)
@hiroto As of right now, no. Using the box that opens when you click on the spy glass icon, "トニカクカワイイ" returns:
500 result(s) matching "", (0.01 seconds)
What is listed is every post on the board, in reverse order.
From that results page, labeled "Advanced search", it will work.
@SomeOldGuy Err, it works for me? I'm on Windows Chrome.