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Since I mentioned it with "Recovery of an MMO Junkie", I probably should give it a topic as well so we can discuss the anime. I honestly wish for such a service to exist in real. It would be exciting and I imagine there are more people than just me who can imagine such an external influence to rethink your life decisions could help.
I've never seen the Anime for this one, I've only read the Manga.
Really enjoyed the Manga years ago when I was reading it. Wish I could buy it as it was one of my favourite stories that I have read from Manga. -
is this a licensing suggestion?
I enjoyed both the anime and the Manga that covered 'the rest of the story'
is the a LN version? -
my bad- open foot, insert foot
:P -
Would love for JNC to do the manga though. Loved the anime and want to read the source. There's not actually much manga I'm interested in either
I loved every second of it, so the moment I finished watching it I devoured the WN. Such a beautiful story, call the ending cliche or whatever but they deserved that. I cried a lot when they remembered each other through the phone straps. God, I'm a sucker for that shit.
Got into this series a bit late before it ended uh I think two years ago but damn I went on a binge read of the manga / web manga (idk what they're called for this) since the premise was so good
I think the anime didn't cover everything from the original source so idk of they plan to continue that or something
@harunachiep The anime for sure did not animate everything, but the 4 episode OVA that they made a while after the 13 episode TV series did take it to the end of the manga, rushed as it was.
I am surprised it based off a proper manga.
I was under the impression it was based on a web manga or so.
I would love to see more of it, like sequels seen with Psycho-Pass.
The story was concluded, as far as I recall it correctly - yet the base has so much potential. Would be nice to see a female protagonist's point of view e.g.
@serah Yeah it was a web manga that ended up getting a print edition, as far as I was aware.
Kinda the same way that that web novels end up getting published as light novels. -
@timmaaah While it was a web manga done in long strip format more often associated with Korean manhwa, as far as I'm aware, the releases where behind a publisher paywall, so it's more like it was a strait up digital manga that just skipped the weekly print releases that you get with things like shonen jump and just went strait to tankobon print (though it may have started initially as a web manga at the very start).