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Since you all here like good stories - how about Stellaris?
Anyone else here who enjoys the wide range of possible sci-fi scenarios?
I mean, by now Stellaris is covering with its expansion almost every sci-fi story I have read. -
Yeah it's good. I like the organic stories that can develop when you play the game. I usually really like the early game when it feels like your faction is taking the first steps of exploration, and the end game when you are fighting for your life against existential threats to all the galaxy. Mid game is a bit better then it used to be with all the anomaly content.
Not just anomalies and relics, though...
In my current game I had midgame War of Heavens, Grey Goo and Machine Uprising throughout the galaxy - all that before the Unbidden erased a fourth of everything, with over 150 crisis fleets not even the Fallen Empires can deal with...
I really like the game but I feel like it need a bit more diversity when it come to in game stories, I'm starting to get a bit bored to go look after Cybrex relics.
I don't know if the novel they made is good tho, did someone here read it? -
@raitoiro I did read the bonus novel. It is not that good. Below average. It did feel like a very generic Sci-Fi story. What gets created with the game is much better, in my opinion.
In regards of you going after the Precursor Relics (there are more than Cybrex), are you already referring to the Ancient Relics pack?
It is just more like an add on to the situation log in my opinion.
I used to love Stellaris until the 2.0 update removed the way I like to play.
Haven’t touched the game in nearly 2 years.
@catstorm I cannot really help you with that, nor would I have an idea to help. In fact, all the updates which have been implemented are very much to my liking.
Of course the changes were huge in comparison - reducing three different ways of travel to only one. But it made the strategic part more meaningful by all means and overall less chaotic. Even the performance has gotten much better.
Then the population changes was also a great addition - making population control overall a very strong aspect as well.
It might sound hilarious, but in my current game I have set up refugee camps at my borders - where refugees get their share of refitting and education before they get distributed throughout my empire. That is lots of fun for me.
Not to mention how it feels when you playing a Borg-like-style, if you are up to assimilate all organic life ~
@raitoiro I did read the bonus novel. It is not that good. Below average. It did feel like a very generic Sci-Fi story. What gets created with the game is much better, in my opinion.
I was planning to give it a try so good to know.
In regards of you going after the Precursor Relics (there are more than Cybrex), are you already referring to the Ancient Relics pack?
I don't really know it's just that in all the games I've played recently I always got the Cybrex quest line which is getting a bit old.
@raitoiro Getting always the same stuff is truly annoying. I have that feeling with endgame crisises, though. I wish there were an extra option to pick that kind of one of a kind per game events.
What helped me to enjoy most of it is a proper galaxy setting. The bigger the galaxy the more likely stuff happens which you did not see coming.
By now there should be four precursor lines. At least four which comes to my mind at the moment. What I could suggest: restart the game as soon as you start the precursor questline. Since it triggers in less than 15 minutes with each game (under normal circumstances aka full exploration fleet), you can quickly restart as soon as you notice it is Cybrex again.
On a side note: for good sci-fi novels I recommend to give a look on the StarCraft ones. They are similar good quality like the Diablo trilogy. But that is for a different topic.
@serah Yeah galaxy size definitely help, I whish they could add a bit more "geographic variety" tho. Like right now a planet's type doesn't really have any impact behond how habitable it's, same for the location within the galaxy being on the edge of the disc feel the same as being right near the center.
Thank for the advice I will try that next time, I must have been quite unlucky to consistently get the same quest line --'.
Mhm... My current game got me started on the bottom edge of the galaxy. It got me in the lucky situation that I bordered two foreign empires and a fallen empire. Whenever I started more in the middle, I feel more crowded and more endangered.Though as a pacifist empire who keeps good relations the borders matter much less, that is true. While if you start aggressive it is like being put in lake full of piranhas...
I agree with the planet type. The only planet type which gives a huge difference are the Arcology and Ringworlds (after the changes). Once you got those quite hard to control worlds running, they are crazy alloy and consumer goods machines.
And the Khanate! I forgot about that damn Khan...70 more years before victory date - the only thing which could danger me now after the crisis in my current game is the Shroud, casting one more - an Warhammer 40k Eldar scale crisis...
And the Loop! Dammit. Some things appear so often, they are basically like default for me... Bloody Loop event making my species look all different...
I never get the loop any more but my last few games I always manage to get the Rubricator event.
At least this latest run I got a really interesting quest I never got before about a religious group that removed individuals sinful memories after their version of confession and the dark secret of their founder.