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Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion
- We see Frieda again. It has been a while for her as well.
@b-scot-morgan oh damn, I genuinely feel bad cause it has been so long that I forgot about her.
In retrospect though I did not like her very much what with her trying to take Myne to her side, separate her from Benno, conspire with her grandfather to put her in their companies debt.
I would like to see her again, but it would be nice if we saw her not in the common realm but in the nobles quarters.
@rahul-balaggan Given her apprenticeship, Freida has an excuse to see Myne any time she really wants to, on "guild business". She would know that Myne is at the temple, as well. She could even bring gifts of different cakes as an excuse to show samples to her.
And I think it would be a good scene, especially if she meets Delia...
@someoldguy Also, since Freida lives right next door to the temple she must see some of the activity going on due the changes at the orphanage.
Myne has an excuse to visit Freida as well, as a consultant on the Devouring. I was genuinely surprised that it never even occurred to Myne to contact Freida to ask questions after her collapse in front of Benno and the High Priest in P2V1.
@someoldguy would the guild master want his devouring having granddaughter to go bear the temple though?
Plus she is gonna be marrying into a noble house, as of right now we have not seen how nobles visit the temple, the amount of hoopla Bender went through and he is only a high class merchant.
No doubt her new family will not take well to her flippantly visiting the temple, throwing decorum out the window, how scandalous.
@rahul-balaggan But she isn't "marrying in"; she's to be a mistress, which is what Delia also aspires to become. Except that Delia won't have a store to run. As such, as long as she performs her duties as a mistress, there wouldn't be much of a scandal. Remember that blue-robes often return to their homes, rather than living in the temple full-time.
It is doubtful that Freida has anywhere near the mana reserves as Myne. And she already has a contract with a noble, which the temple would be hard-pressed to nullify.
And it could be that the noble involved would be grateful for a connection to the temple.
And I don't think Myne would "out" her, without permission.
True she is becoming a mistress, and we don’t know if the nobles she is becoming related to will want a connection to the temple, they may, and they may not. Blue robes who join the temple are pretty much forced to cause their backs are against the wall, they are not needed so they are basically cast out. That makes it seem like the temple is basically a house of incompetence in the eyes of nobles, so why would they want a connection there?
Anyone worth a damn has already been called back to Nobel society.
She may be a mistress but she will still represent that noble houses name to a degree, would they want that name besmirched in any way?
She of course won’t want to sell Frieda out, but Myne has let lots of things slip that should have been kept hidden.
Oh, something else I want to see happen in the next volume:- Myne plays the harspiel for someone other than the High Priest and the attendants.
I don't think her family, Lutz, or Benno are even aware that she is learning to play an instrument. And since Ferdinand has been satisfied with her progress (perfectionist that he is) Myne is probably pretty good for a beginner. So the reaction to hearing her play would be entertaining. At least it would be entertaining for me, as the son of a music teacher, to read about that.
@b-scot-morgan oh that would be good, maybe Myne will want to play it for her mother, and for the baby. That would probably come as a super nice surprise for everyone.
@b-scot-morgan actually, I love to know which animes she's cribbing tunes from. The WN & LN is remarkably vague on that note. As for playing outside the temple, that's likely to have to wait until she enters noble society like Ferdinand is preparing her. After all, the only reason she's getting lessons is at his insistence so she has the chance for becoming a noble wife instead of a mere breeding slave. And he considers those lessons important enough to sacrifice some of the time she would have spent assisting him with paperwork.
@jcochran I don't know about the sources for the later songs, but at least you can find the first song she "created," Tulip, online pretty easily:
@rahul-balaggan Another possibility would be Gunther and Tuuli hearing her play when they visit during the winter, but I like your suggestion better!
EDIT: removed spoiler
@hiroto said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
@jcochran said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
@b-scot-morgan actually, I love to know which animes she's cribbing tunes from.
I hope anime team license some real popular anime tune and actually play that in anime.
"Head Cha-La (Harspiel remix)"
I believe that is spoiler. That's not mentioned until P2V3.
@hiroto said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
I believe that is spoiler. That's not mentioned until P2V3.
Oh? Take a look at P2V2P2 95%
Actually, Sister Myne, why not use this opportunity to play the song you composed the other day? -
That was based on movie theme song.
And it was too difficult so she made one based on classic school song.
@rahul-balaggan Aren't those last four kind of givens for Myne?
@paul-nebeling never know she could turn over a new leaf and be the perfect model of a Nobel little girl.
That is when I look for a new series to read...
@rahul-balaggan Given the number of Japanese volumes published and planned, I don't see Myne avoiding mischief any time soon.