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Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion
As this cour wraps up, a few things that the anime and the LN translated differently that bug me. The beat-to-death Main-Myne thing tops the list. The High Priest's "demotion" to Head Priest and the High Bishop becoming the High Priest bugs me. And I don't like the visual for the High Bishop. He looks too much like a kindly grandfather type when we all know what kind of an asshole he really is.
Edit to add:
Chibi High Priest and Myne's after-credit scene cemented the next cour and provided some amusing foreshadowing of the things to come. I must admit that I'm slightly disappointed that we still are, seemingly, still watching the High Priest's mind meld. Couldn't think of a better term for it. -
@paul-nebeling the translation of the two high ranking clergy into High Priest and High Bishop is a compromise of their actual roles in the LN. And there's a lot of different ways they can be made. Their roles are the High Bishop is in charge of the temple as a whole. And fact, calling him a bishop is giving entirely too authority since a bishop in real life has authority over multiple temples/churches not just one. An the high priest has authority over the clergy in the temple. Basically the HB has administrative control and the HP has religious control. Now in the story, the HB is a lazy entitled piece of crap and doesn't actually do his job, so Ferdinand is stuck with doing both the job of HP and HB, plus coming up with things to keep HB from having a leg to stand on to complain about HP's decisions. And as for his appearance, that's accurate. If he thinks you're rich, or a noble, he's a friendly grandfatherly figure. If he finds out you're not, he's an asshole. But just because he's an asshole, that wouldn't change his appearance.
@paul-nebeling High Bishop's visual accually correct. This is quote from Volume 3 when he heard Myne's parents job "He was looking down at my parents with condescending eyes and there wasn’t a trace of his friendly old grandpa expression from just a second ago. It was at that moment that I realized I had only been treated so well due to the power of money, and that in reality we were indeed living in a status-based society."
It works either way, but as "High Priest" and "Head Priest" are probably technically better. However as a lazy reader "High" and "Head" are to similar and I kept reading them wrong. I prefer the "High Bishop" and "High Priest".
I dont remember in LN conversation with Tulli and Effa about possible execution.I mean that scene was really good in anime.These kind of changes are really good.I really dont watch that anime(skipping a lot) but i guess company who makes that anime loves and knows the series well.
@bunnyfufu said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
works either way, but as "High Priest" and "Head Priest" are probably technically better
in my head the way I visualize the hierarchy of the temple:
High Bishop: If this were a catholic parish, he'd be the pastor
High Priest (Ferdinand) : the highest ranking parochial vicar (Most senior 'regular' priest)
"Blue Robes": Deacons
"Grey Robes": Monk (lay brothers) / Nun
servants without robes: members of the lay ministryit's easy in my mind to keep the 'routes' separate in my mind if I think the Nobles/Commoner dichotomy parallels some old fashioned hierarchies in Roman Catholicism (prior to the 1960's)
a monk (lay brother) generally does not 'graduate' into becoming a priest, a nun can't become a priest- this is similar to the role 'grey robes' have in Bookworm
Deacons (if male/ unmarried and take a vow of celibacy can be ordained into the priesthood) similar to the role a 'regular' blue robe has
Myne would be an acolyte (deacon in training, or a student training to become a priest) or a postulant, an entrant to a monastic order who has not yet taken vows
@hopebestman That would indicate they got it (his visual) right. Once we figure out his game, we aren't supposed to like him. Kudos to the animation team for managing to convey Myne's changing attitude without resorting to something like a voiceover commentary. Her voice while she was powered up was creepy as anything too.
Scary Myne is scary. Let's hope she isn't needed again.
@bunnyfufu said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
It works either way, but as "High Priest" and "Head Priest" are probably technically better. However as a lazy reader "High" and "Head" are to similar and I kept reading them wrong. I prefer the "High Bishop" and "High Priest".
I'd like "bishop" and "head priest". It better describes what HP does and makes it clear which is the overall boss.
@libri-liberorum said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
Scary Myne is scary. Let's hope she isn't needed again.
Yeah, seriously. They went overboard with the voice effect.
@paul-nebeling They're "Head Priest" for High Priest and "Head of Temple/Temple Head" for High Bishop respectively. 神官長 / 神殿長. The moment the anime started I knew these terms would end up different in the anime since I took such big leaps with the phrasing. Their names are fairly similar (Shinkan-chou and Shinden-chou) so I went with giving them both "High X". How to translate "Temple Head" was a question I spent far too long debating. I couldn't think of a single way to keep "Temple" in it and maintain a dignified, concise title that sounded like it could realistically be a position. After some discussion I ultimately rolled with High Bishop, since indeed the Temple Head is a higher position than the Head Priest, and I think that bishops are universally understood to be a higher position than priests. The High Bishop doesn't fulfill the same role a real-life bishop does, but I figure that's fine since names are used loosely as inspiration in this kind of way often.
The, uh, the High Bishop being called the High Priest isn't great. I could understand them doing something like "Temple Head" and abandoning High Bishop, which would be totally fine as a different interpretation, but High Priest for "Temple Head" definitely gives off the wrong impression I think. The two terms are definitely a bit too easy to confuse, too.
I'm actually wondering if the style guide I gave crunchyroll might have been misinterpreted (since "High X" was something I invented on my own, the terms literally are just "Head/Boss")... Oh well.
Edit: Oh wow. I think it's almost 100% certain that they misread the glossary . I was trying to say "High Priest (don't use Head Priest)" but I think it was interpreted as "High Priest (this is not the head priest! it's the other guy!)". Darn. If only I could just talk to the translator.
That was new material. -
@bunnyfufu I'm not sure it was new material as much as an artistic interpretation in a different media. As @hopebestman said, that scene was described in volume 3, but Myne's observation was internalized dialog which was not put into the anime. They did it (quite well) with her facial expressions.
Ah, meant to reply to @hopebestman message about Tulli and Effa heart-to-heart before the meeting with the church. That was new. -
Now it's time to start waiting....
Did a bit of searching and found out that there's 2 OVAs scheduled.See this for details
@jcochran said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
Now it's time to start waiting....
Did a bit of searching and found out that there's 2 OVAs scheduled.See this for details
They did a weird thing with this OVA. Why creates OVAs which will spoil the future season, such that you are only distributing it as part of Part 5 print book purchase (presumably, people already read Part 3 so won't get spoiled)? Pretty weird.
Overall it was mostly acceptable, though I am not a fan of the rushed, cut or reshuffled scenes near the end... I feel it lost the slow-burn "Slice Of Life" feel too much.
No question the LN is FAR superior. It seems very few anime adaptations of even highly popular source LN's get the respectful treatments they deserve. At least it was MUCH more faithful than Arifureta.
@hiroto Can't really call it a spoiler. One of the OVA's is a side story in P1V3, so it obviously doesn't spoil anything and the other OVA which is also a side story in P3V2 portrays an obvious activity that has to happen between P1V3 and P2V1 and in fact is referenced in the first conversation Ferdinand has with Myne in the beginning of P2V1. The only potential "spoiler" would be the possible introduction of characters that aren't introduced into the main story line until later. I haven't seen the side story, but given the volume it's placed in I suspect that some Japanese fans basically asked "We see that Ferdinand did X. Can you please tell us more about X?" and the author figured there was enough demand for it and decided that it was worth doing as a side story framed as a flash back.
@jcochran said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
. The only potential "spoiler" would be the possible introduction of characters that aren't introduced into the main story line until later.
It is hugely spoiling. The story only make sense after learning about all those new characters we don't know yet. This story is written as a flash back after having that knowledge. Flash back taken out of the order is that you'll exposed to emotion of people without knowing those people and relationships. It is a very nice side story in that context so I like LN readers to enjoy it at the right moment.