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PC Summer Games - What did you get, what do you recommend, or how did you learn to stop spending and survive the sale?
So I got a few PC games this Summer. Too many actually. xC
I figure if I don't like something / it doesn't run well, I can refund, so I got a few "games". Enter the Gungeon, Crypt of the NecroDancer, Fruit of Grisaia, Axiom Verge, Snake Pass (I'm guessing it'll be too intensive for my PC), and a few others I'll be trying out.
For recommendations of stuff I already have, I like:
Root Double - A visual novel about adult firefighters. How many of those are out there? To top it off, it borrows some DNA from Ever17 / 999 to build a compelling, suspense filled narrative.
Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+: Basically this is Zelda 1 if you took out the overworld map and added hundreds of powerups that randomly generate over the course of the dungeons for you to take down the baddies. Because of the random generation, this game is basically endless. It also has a strong community building mods for it, including mods that change textures, or ones that create new items.
Scribblenauts Unlimited: You can spawn anything by typing it in to the game's Objectnaut keyboard. Gatling gun? It's there. Keytar? You got it. Platypus? Sure. You can even add adjectives to your objects. Want a rideable, polkadotted, TRex? Great idea. And if the game doesn't have your idea, you can create it yourself in the editor, or download ideas from the workshop.
I'm not into PC games that much other than mmosrpg, but even then I'm waiting for "New World" to come out. I play PS4 mainly now since I got it like 1.5-2 months ago. I been craving to buy Nier Autamata. But I'll prob pre order destiny 2 first.
@Hyferzftw said
I'm not into PC games that much other than mmosrpg, but even then I'm waiting for "New World" to come out. I play PS4 mainly now since I got it like 1.5-2 months ago. I been craving to buy Nier Autamata. But I'll prob pre order destiny 2 first.
I'm mostly PS4 too, but my newish Laptop can at least handle low end 2D stuff like Isaac, Axiom Verge, and Visual Novels, and I like the mod support in some games.
Did you get anything in the latest PSN sale? I hope it's still active. I was gonna grab Fairy Fencer Dark Advent since it was cheap and a JRPG.
I think there was a big sale on The Last Guardian too, but I hear hit or miss things about it (could always rent too). Nier was on sale too, but it's still a bit too expensive for me to take a chance on (3D action games aren't my bag).
@Terrence hmm I got Resident Evil 5 for 8$ but I didn't like the controllers, also got "The Lord of Fallen" (or was The fallen lord) for 3$. Not really a big fan of JRPGS tbh. I'm more of a open world rpg person. So my first game for the PS4 was Horizon Zero Dawn, and I loved it. There are some jrpgs that do seem interesting tho but I'm debating if I wanted to spend 40-50$ on some. As for the 3$ game I mentioned reminded me of dark souls and it's kinda fun and alright graphics for 3$ so I think it was a steal.
@Hyferzftw said in PC Summer Games - What did you get, what do you recommend, or how did you learn to stop spending and survive the sale?:
@Terrence I'm more of a open world rpg person...
I got Horizon for my brother's birthday recently since it was on super sale. Hope he liked it. =)
I'm not a huge open world fan myself though. I appreciate them graphically, but I don't really like playing them, especially when they have mission structure like GTA. I do like something Metroidvania style like Dark Souls though (Did you get Bloodborne or the Dark Souls yet? Those are always stiff challenges).
Monster Hunter for PS4 should be interesting since it's a bit more open in that the parts of the stages don't require loading screens.
@Terrence no not yet, but I'm looking forward to monster hunter. Looks really awesome.
If you like 4x strategy games get Stellaris. It has a great mod community and runs on just about any computer. Plus 50% off on steam.
@Mind4hire said in PC Summer Games - What did you get, what do you recommend, or how did you learn to stop spending and survive the sale?:
If you like 4x strategy games get Stellaris. It has a great mod community and runs on just about any computer. Plus 50% off on steam.
I'll look into it, though I don't think I'm a 4x strategy fan. Anything management wise besides my own troops is a bit much for me. I like Fire Emblem and Shining Force.
So far I've tried
Snake Pass - Didn't run well on my Laptop, as expected.
Crypt of the NecroDancer - runs ok. Been using custom music from Overclocked Remix, which is hit or miss when it comes to beats.
I still gotta test RPG Maker to see if it'll run on my system. Looks like 2D assets, but there's a lot you can do with sprite manipulation I think. I might make a light novel type story in there if I ever get good (Isekai RPG anyone). xD
If you like RPG's then try kingdoms of amalur: Reckoning, its an under appreciated gem. Also Orcs must die 1 & 2 are classics, they are RPG/Tower defense. My favorite is Valkyria Chronicles, great graphics, great story, and a great RPG/shooter.