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Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion
@nosgoroth Unfortunately for me as the forum moderator I can't unsub from any topic, I have to watch every topic and open every single spoiler box...
@rahul-balaggan I see , so i can talk freely in here IF J-Novel translated so like until P2V2. Ok thanks.
Yea, if people want to talk about the web novel/ light novel beyond where JNC is, I'm sure everyone here would prefer if they started a new thread (preferably in the "Web Novel Discussion" tab).
@hopebestman said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
@rahul-balaggan I see , so i can talk freely in here IF J-Novel translated so like until P2V2. Ok thanks.
Also there may be some people in here who are anime-only, and haven't read the light novel, so anything beyond the anime, even if translated by JNC, would need a spoiler tag.
Also there may be some people in here who are anime-only, and haven't read the light novel, so anything beyond the anime, even if translated by JNC, would need a spoiler tag.
thats my major concern :) cuz in this forum why could be people only watches but not readers :D If it was in reddit or somewhere else i could understand but not in j-novel's forum but i will take care to use spoiler tag when talking ahead on anime.
Wow. This week's episode. That last scene with Gunther by the fire. The chibi preview. Then the, well, calling it "fan" art isn't exactly correct, is it? Benno just thinking about money. So on point. Still, we are coming up on (LN spoiler)
As far as anime-LN timing goes, I think they would need to have at least two more seasons in order to catch up to what JNC has translated unless they decide to just trash the quality level. Which isn't beyond the realm of possibility. The second cour of Golden Kamuy was vastly inferior to the first. (Enough on that topic.)
This post is deleted! -
@paul-nebeling said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
Then the, well, calling it "fan" art isn't exactly correct, is it?
The arts at the end are drawn by manga artists who has participated in the Bookworm Anthology manga series, currently up to three volumes. They all write up their own side story mangas in Bookworm world and they put them togather into a book.
So they are professionals.
@quof said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
@legitpancake I think I can finish part 2 in time without issue. The question is whether I can also get out the first volume of Part 3 fast enough that when the Part 2 anime ends, people can immediately buy P3V1 (which they will want to do). Also, if they release an anime for Part 3 immediately after, they'll definitely get ahead of me by a volume or two. Then an anime for Part 4 would crush me in a way I would never recover from... Unless it's multiple cours with a break in between, which is possible.
First odd Quof- you're doing a fantastic job with Bookworm.
Based off what I know, the 2nd season will begin in Spring 2020 - haven't heard if it's one cour or two, but I assume they'll get to the end of Part 2 with it seeing how much they skip. After that, it's frankly questionable if additional seasons will come, and it definitely won't happen immediately, so I'd say you have a good 9 months or so before you need to worry. True, S1 was generally met with positive reviews, and the amount of material that Kazuki is coming out with just keeps going, but I think you'll be OK.
@hiroto said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
@paul-nebeling said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
Then the, well, calling it "fan" art isn't exactly correct, is it?
The arts at the end are drawn by manga artists who has participated in the Bookworm Anthology manga series, currently up to three volumes. They all write up their own side story mangas in Bookworm world and they put them togather into a book.
So they are professionals.
They're all mangaka/illustrators who've worked on TO BOOKS series but not all of them have participated in the Anthologies, in particular as far as I can see Iida Seriko (飯田せりこ), Yo Shimizu (よー清水), Chima (ちま), Hachikawa Kyuu (八川キュウ), Akisaki Rio (秋咲りお) didn't.
The LN illustration, You Shiina (椎名優) also didn't, and I'm not sure about (和音) who drew the 10th end card because I can't find anything about them except for their twitter (I'm assuming it's the correct person because Suzuka follows them). -
@hiroto I worded it that way because I had read that they are done by professional artists. If wasn't aware that they were all working on various Bookworm related projects. Interesting to know.
@jon-mitchell @jcochran @hopebestman Reading 30+ titles simultaneously does screwy things to your memory, but you're right, that's not Benno's nickname for Mine. I'm not sure if his nickname for Mine would be printable.
@paul-nebeling Given that the WN is age 15+, I think some ... spicy ... words would be printable. After all, they do get into some adult subjects such as young child knowing that in a few years, she's going to be a mistress for a noble. And that's just scratching the surface of some subject material.
@jcochran True enough, but I've got a hunch that Benno's choice of words would be 18+.
Is it just me, or has the second season for this been announced for spring 2020? If so, Yay!!!!
@lighthawk96 Yep. The second cour was announced for spring 2020 about 8 days ago.
@jcochran Great! Didn't think they would stop just at the first core. This series is just too good to stop at one season. It sucks that work kept me from noticing until now, but better later than never I guess.