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found css error
When a word is too long for a line, it goes off the side instead of being split up onto the next line. -
@TooFiveFive Yeah, we just use CSS columns for the web reader, so if the browser doesn't split up words we don't.
The only way to fix this would be to program a full-blown hyphenation engine, which by that point we should probably integrate a full-blown epub3 reader (or purchase the license to one).
@Sam-Pinansky said:
The only way to fix this would be to program a full-blown hyphenation engine
...Or use overflow-wrap css property
@_08 Probably best to combine it with hyphens:auto, because hyphenated text is better than a break in a word.
Overflow-wrap will only break super-long words, it happens like couple of times in an odd chapter once a month and it's more or less obvious that it is a single word even without hyphenation. Enabling hyphens:auto, however, causes awkward hyphenation very frequently with a regular words. -
Hmm, will try it, then!