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Acquisitions Speculation - General
@eternal-wanderer I agree the Ore Wo Suki nano wa Omae dake ka yo would be a good choice as to a potential acquisition. Seems to have potential and could be a good change of pace since a majority of novels are isekai.
Hensuki would be a good pick also!
Via Seven Seas' Twitter:
In this month of delicious treats, we've got MORE manga and light novel licenses coming your way! 🍬🎃🍫 Join us here next week, Monday through Wednesday (Oct 21 - 23), for brand-new license announcements that are sure to blow your gourd! 🤯
Nice I got something to look forward to during the long work week
I'm not really holding my breath on this one. Pretty much since Mushoku Tensei, Classroom of the Elite and Reincarnated as a Sword were announced, their announcements have all be disappointing
oo, yay. hopefully there'll be at least a couple of things that I'll want there. How long is it generally between SS's announcements and initial release dates?
I'd say from 7 months to a year. -
Does the digital first stuff still take 7 months?
@terrence No, they have early digital releases.
Even when taking in their early digital release, they still take forever to actually start releasing.
For example, Mushoku Tensei:
Announced: 8th of July 2018
Volume 1 digital release: 4th of March 2019
Volume 1 physical release: 21st of May 2019Still about 8 months from announcement to early release. Classroom of the Elite was announced at the same time, and has the same scheduling.
So even if they announce a new one next week, probably won't see it till mid next year. -
@timmaaah Well, there are other examples that could be more in line with how these next announcements might be scheduled.
Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?!
- Announced Sep 11, 2017
- Digital release Feb 1, 2018 (+5 months)
- Print release Jun 12, 2018 (+9 months)
Reincarnated as a Sword
- Announced Jan 9, 2019
- Digital release May 2, 2019 (+4 months)
- Print release Aug 6, 2019 (+8 months)
MT can be considered an exception because it was obviously a big crowd-pleaser and they probably wanted to announced it at AX even if it meant longer waits.
@myskaros Classroom of the Elite was also announce at the same time as MT and was only released a month earlier than MT.
I only really picked MT as I was waiting for this to be released for so long, so I really noticed it.
It more of a "don't be surprised if you have to wait awhile for it", plus the first person mentioned it taking 7 months, so I provided 2 recent examples of it taking that long.
At least it's not as bad as YP making us wait a year for the Konosuba spin off.... -
@timmaaah But again, those were both very highly anticipated titles announced at the biggest anime convention in the United States. It's entirely possible that they forced those out earlier than usual, unlike this "random weekdays in October that no one's expecting" event.
@myskaros That is true, that could be the reason.
It still doesn't take away from the point that even if they have early releases you could have to wait up to 7-8 months from past performance.
This is all speculation and nothing definitive.
I probably shouldn't have been so definitive with my first line when I said "they still take forever". -
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@CaramelWithoutTheSalt I wouldn't call Seven Seas AX2019 licenses all these. Yeah, the more the better, but novel spinoffs for manga are not exactly common things to license yet, so they are more than welcome. "At night I Become a Monster" is from the same author as "Pankreas", which is quite popular, so no wonder they licensed more of their works.
Lastly, recent "Adachi no Shimamura". It is in no way "mediocre license 00.1% of people requested", andis well-known and popular. -
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I feel like their AX was weak cause they've decided to spread out their LN licensing between different promotional social media events through the year (like this one coming up).
They could have saved Skeleton Knight and SCP for that event to bolster their lineup just a bit.
So some more yuri coming this way next week. Hopefully it's not the whole of the announcements. 1-2 per day makes minimum of 3 and maximum 6?
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Sam said in discord that there will be "somewhere between a bucketload and a truckload" of license announcements at anime nyc, and that there may be so many licenses that they "probably won't have time for questions."