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Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion
If they do her eyes when she's angry well, they'll make good gifs
I wonder if that footnote is indicative of how it's going to explain certain concepts or works later on. like, for example, the different trials she does
I've kinda been reading that a lot of people have an issue with the drawing of the characters for this series. While everyone is entitled to their own opinion I don't find this to be an issue. It would seem that the anime style is more reflective with the actual illustrations in the light novels and not so much the manga. While I will admit that the artwork in the manga is extremely good, I feel that going with a style that is closer to the light novel gives this anime a more rustic feel, and in a good way. The quality is not bad, it's actually quite good in my opinion and since this is a middle ages type of setting i'm liking how they went with an art style that is closer to the light novel vs the manga. But again, this is just my opinion.
To be honest I didn't find the first episode all that interesting, I'm hoping it picks up for me once Myne actually starts doing things.
@eternal-wanderer It will. Don't worry.
@eternal-wanderer that was me when I first started reading the novel but it should be the same with the anime in some way
I should start watching this once there's at least 3-5 episodes up
It's better than what the PV showed, but I feel like the anime format doesn't really add anything to the story, and actually doesn't fit it well.
I think I'm just going to wait for the GIF of Myne going "Bhuw" rather than seeing the whole thing. -
I just realize now that it was voiced "Otto-san" as in
overlap with "o-To-san" as inDad
something that hard to translate in the LN or Manga. -
Really liking the flow of the story here. It's sticking pretty close to the main story while paying attention to some of the side parts, but not spending an overly large amount of time on things that don't need to have time spent on them. I hope that everything keeps turning out well with this one as I really enjoy it.
Okay I enjoyed this weeks episode a lot more than last weeks. However how did the subs go from calling Myne Myne to calling her Main. I can forgive some name inconsistencies somewhat because different people are translating the anime but in this case you can clearly hear other characters calling her Myne.
@eternal-wanderer Yeah, I thought this week's episode was better as well, although the story feels a little rushed compared to the books. As for the naming, the inconsistency is stupid but it is a valid way to try and spell her name. It's English's fault for its wacky spelling system, even "Myne" could be conceivably pronounced different ways. But really, yeah, I do think it would be better to stick with the spelling that's already been established through JNC's official translations of the light novel and manga.
@eternal-wanderer said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
Okay I enjoyed this weeks episode a lot more than last weeks. However how did the subs go from calling Myne Myne to calling her Main. I can forgive some name inconsistencies somewhat because different people are translating the anime but in this case you can clearly hear other characters calling her Myne.
I think it's because how the anime depicts how her name is written in that world, it looks closer to "MAIN" in English, so they wanted to make that connection clearer?
I still think it's unnecessary and will only confuse viewers in a different way.
@stardf29 It is also depicted in the LN and manga as Main written upside down in roman script. Iirc the translation was changed to Myne early on in the manga adaptation at the request of the author.
Now whenever I read the part of Myne’s inner thoughts, I cannot help having that miniature Myne popping up in my head.
@hiroto said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - anime discussion:
Now whenever I read the part of Myne’s inner thoughts, I cannot help having that miniature Myne popping up in my head.
Yeah me too and I don't know since when but I already imagined Iguchi Yuka voice whenever I read Myne dialog.
I honestly don't care what her name looks like in whatever fantasy language the story is using. The characters in shoe are clearly saying Myne.
I am liking this anime a lot more than I thought I would (I was perfectly satisfied with the light novel). I enjoy the voices, the art direction, and the story is working so far even with all the cuts they need to make. Most importantly, I feel that the show is making good use of animation to deliver more than just a rote retelling of the novels. It's a good team!
I really enjoyed the illustrations at the end of each episode, so much that I want them on my computer. I turned them into desktop wallpapers, and if anybody else would like to do that, I've posted them here in a couple different resolutions:
Based on absolutely nothing at all, I can guess this is what happened with the spelling of Myne's name:
With no other material to go off of, the folks at Crunchyroll decided to use "Myne" based off of the same spelling used in the LN and Manga. Episode 1 uses this spelling. I would say overall, that was a pretty good idea. Now, Episode 2 rolls around, and has Myne's name written out, and it's written as "Main" since that's what you get when you romanize the Japanese spelling. The animation studio in Japan doesn't care how we spell it, the manga shows it exactly how they animated it, so it's not an issue for them. But in the case of Crunchyroll, they must have decided that since that's how it's spelled in the show, that must be how it should be spelled, and so they changed it. This made a lot of people very angry, and has been widely regarded as a bad move.
Even so, I can't fault them entirely for what they did. Depending on the series, the quality of the subs crunchyroll produces can be extremely good, or highly questionable, and there's no way to really know what you've got until it's out. CR seems to have no quality control for their subs, and no basic guidelines for their people to go by. In this case, I think the people in charge of this series are trying their best to do what they think is right, but when you have conflicting sources, It's rough, not to mention they probably don't have much time to subtitle each episode. In this case, you have the in-series depiction of "Main" which is a direct Romanization of her name (マイン), and then you have "Myne" which is the Manga/LN localization of her name. The fact that Myne was chosen by the author makes it a far bit more important than just a translator's choice of spelling, but I don't think the people at Crunchyroll know that to be the case.
For what it's worth, I did email Crunchyroll about how dumb it was to change Myne to Main, but whether or not they'll actually do anything about it is entirely up in the air. I did get this response though:
The subtitles issue you are experiencing is a known issue for this series that is affecting many of our users. We are currently hard at work on a fix for this one and will try to get things back on track as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Seems like a generic reply, and it doesn't make me any more optimistic that they'll go back to using Myne. Never in all my time watching stuff on Crunchyroll have I ever seen them go back and change subtitles, so the likelihood of Episode 2 ever getting fixed is pretty low, and the likelihood of them going back to Myne is probably only a little higher.
Finally got around to watching episode 2. Nothing glaringly different from the LN. I do like how the anime is subtle with some of the reactions like blushes and Myne fainting. Chibi Myne is cute. Overall, I would say this is a fairly high quality show.
Is it me, or is the narrator the High Priest? It would be in line with the framing set out at the start of the first episode. And I love the ED.
Is the first scene of the anime a scene that will appear in