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Arifureta anime
Haltina woods in summary mode....
Also I somehow doesn't not found about Sia clairvoyant being mentioned... -
This season's isekai anime have just been duds in general animation/direction wise. Its just really sad. Demon Lord Retry is watchable at least though.
Each episode makes me sadder and sadder. It's less of a train wreck than Ragnarok, but that's an incredibly low hurdle in itself.
@leinade said in Arifureta anime:
At least the two-headed dino wasn't animated!
you mean wasn't CGI?
@jon-mitchell yes, sry I messed up
Seeing this anime has let me put some things into perspective.
- I'm really glad that my favorite title "The Rising of the Shield Hero" did not succumb to the "We don't give a crap" attitude that seems to have befallen the "Arifureta" anime.
- "Slime" and "Smartphone" were leagues ahead in quality when compared to "Arifureta".
- Despite all of the bad press that my second favorite series got the anime for "Death March" was still way ahead in both animation quality and story when compared to this, well, whatever it is.
I guess this just goes to show you shouldn't get your hopes up to high until you've actually seen the anime and judged it for what its actually worth instead of what you want it to be.
Spoilers ahead so be careful if you haven't seen episode 7...They skipped the town,
Shea got her change of clothes in a scene change,
Defeted a labrynth in 10 minutes,
And basically skipped 90% of volume 2...
At this point nothing about this anime surprises me any more.😓
They either invested all their money into vol.3, or would try to squeeze vol.4 in at any cost.
Episode 6 Comparison in case anyone is interested.
I'm soooo glad I dropped this at episode 3 when it became clear we were looking at Ragnorok 2.0.
I never thought I would say this but I honestly think some of these anime studios need to go out of business. Pumping out crap season after season isn't doing the industry any favors.
@jason-maranto This is even worse, Ragnarok was still better overall imo...
@terabyte Ouch. Then again after episode 6, calling it Ragnarok 2.0 might be too kind.
@jason-maranto The studio doing this show White Fox has actually done some of my favorite shows like Steins;Gate and The Devil is Part Timer. Arifureta may be a stinker but I'd rather the studio not go away because they made one bad show.
@eternal-wanderer said in Arifureta anime:
@jason-maranto The studio doing this show White Fox has actually done some of my favorite shows like Steins;Gate and The Devil is Part Timer. Arifureta may be a stinker but I'd rather the studio not go away because they made one bad show.
I am pretty sure I read somewhere that white fox is not the main studio doing Arifureta.
@lighthawk96 This is what they call "labyrinth run". :D
I wouldn't be suprised if they skip Fuhren next episode and continue with Ur right away. Myu wasn't in the opening.....
@zing Asread are the main studio. They also produced Big Order so "quality" is assured.
@leinade It would really suck if they got that far and didn't put Myu in. I was going to hope that she would be in an OVA maybe. But unfortunately, with as unpredictable as this series has been there is absolutely not telling at this point.
I blame the Production Committee for not giving the anime a budget worth using. Chances are that the people working on this are being given pittance for the project. If the Production Committee cared about making the anime successful, they'd have put more effort into staff and budget than flooding out a ton of merch. (I mean, seriously, it's too much shit and there's even 11 different retailer exclusive editions of just the BD volumes.)
Wow, they messed up the story of Fuhrens guild master completly. And the same is true for the reunion with Aiko. But at least he shot the knight, unlike the thing with the spoon they did in the manga.
So next episode (10) we get Tio, and the battle of Ur after that (ep. 11). If they keep that pace, we might make it to the reunion with Shirasaki .... not that I am looking forward to this. -
@leinade said in Arifureta anime:
But at least he shot the knight, unlike the thing with the spoon they did in the manga.
I'm still laughing at the fact that Hajime shot a bullet at him but the knight only broke the armor and his shoulder was red, nonetheless Ai-sensei was bandaging him up right after (why?). 😂