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Arifureta anime
@custodes Very true. I was concerned when they postponed the anime as it "wasn't living up to expectations" and were greated with this hodgepodge of a first episode. I can only hope that it gets much better from here. I still feel that this story would have benefited more from a 24-26 episode run much like "Slime" and "Shield Hero" did but apparently that wasn't in the cards for this title. Maybe there will be a second season somewhere down the line if this series is successful.i just hope the remaining 12 episodes of this series live up to the story upon which it is based.
Woke up to an email saying Animelab does have this (and Cop Craft, and Hensuki) so at least I only have to sub to two services (or be a week behind with ads) but geez, y'all ain't inspiring confidence here.
Is it closer to Smartphone (which I thought was dodgy but alright, a let down compared to the novels for sure) or closer to Ragnarok (which was totally unwatchably bad)?
It made the same mistake the Ragnarok anime did by omitting all the explanation in a rather explanation heavy opening. Add to that the poor animation and horrid CGI and this is really disappointing. At least the soundtrack seems ok?
I'll watch it, but I also watched Ragnarok (and Smartphone).
@smashman42 Based on the first episode alone, it's worse than Ragnarok. I mean even Ragnarok managed to give an outline of the situation and explain things. That's totally missing in Arifureta. Honestly I thought I had missed an episode 0 somewhere while watching it.
Well, I'll probably still watch it since I already know the story and the anime won't spoil it for me, but yeah... I don't have much hope it will get better with the next episodes as you might have understood from my post.
A couple of funny things:
- The first reaction for several anime-only watchers was: What the heck did I just watch? It's a mess.
- Someone on reddit was asking if Arifureta is an isekai or not. They totally skipped their life on Earth and the summoning part. (Which is why I thought I had missed an episode 0 somewhere actually.)
If the CGI would be a bit better I could watch without being annoyed all time. The rush of the story is another thing. (Well, and this brown blood makes me scratch my head). But with CGI like this, it feels too much like Ragnarok, even Smartphone was better in this regard.
@terabyte Geez, I hope ep 2 is a flashback that covers all the proper into stuff, and they just did this straight into the action stuff to try to hook the shonen types?
Yeah, too optimistic I know
I’ve watched episode 1, it was a bit disjointed but enjoyable enough (if I wasn’t already familiar with the story, I’m not sure I would be able to follow the plot)
I’ll withhold judgment at this point. (Cop Craft was awesome and shows what superior direction can achieve)
Why on earth was it delayed? Does this mean it was worse before the delay?
That is really hard to imagine. Looking at the anime now, even the manga looks good. :D
Welp, it went about how I expected for a fast paced adaptation. Arifureta is a story that really won't translate well to an anime. It spends most of its word count on telling the reader about the world and characters. The story chooses to freeze a moment in time and give it detail, something that doesn't translate well to a medium where detail exists in the flow of time.
The first volume in practice really doesn't have many plot points that could translate to video. (V1 plot spoilers)
I'm basically figuring that they're going to do 3 episodes per volume based on where they ended the first episode. In my 4 episode per volume guess, I would've placed this episode as episode 2. They could potentially slow down for volumes 2 and 3, since those volumes have more temporal detail, but I'm not expecting the pacing to change much.My default assumption is that once the 13 episodes are done, the adaptation is done, since it's rather rare for an anime to get two seasons. So this episode does make me a bit more certain that they're going to try to adapt parts of volume 4, mostly due to how they're including Kaori and Shizuka in marketing along with Shea and Tio. (Spoils through V5)
Given I've seen a few anime where the first episode was chaotic like this one. Usually the second and third episodes are better, since it's possible to build off what happened in the first episode without ever understanding what the first episode contains. That said, in this particular case, the first episode will likely remain a mind screw until reading volume 1.
@custodes Ah, then it's possible that the whole "explanation what went on before" stuff will get done once Hajime starts traveling with Yue and tells her his story.
The script writing here was Ragnarok level trash. If you haven't read the LN you would have no clue about why anything is happening... not even the most basic parts of why Hajime says or does the things he does. A shame really.
For a while, the MAL score was 8.10, which was surprisingly high. Now it’s 6.43 LUL
Having watched it this evening after getting home and seeing everyone trash it all day, I don't think it was nearly as bad as some people are saying.
Sure it's not done the way I would have expected. If they continue to put back story and relationship building in through flashbacks over the course of the first volumes worth of content, I can see it working. I can certainly see how it can get worse very quickly, but we are also only one episode in, and I want to see how they will tell the story from here.
It certainly isn't at Ragnarok level though in my opinion. -
Yeah I came to say I’m disappointed. Looks like we won’t be getting new cult members since the anime just butchered the story telling. The anime skipped so much content and character development that at times even I felt lost. RIP Sam getting new cult members:( .
Gus remarked on Discord that among people who haven't read the LN, the reviews are fairly positive, so it really does feel like the existing cultists are just being overly negative about it.
Remember that it's only the first episode, which has the challenge of making people want to watch more, so it makes sense to get right to the action first then worry about "skipped" material later.
@legitpancake It's just that MAL doesn’t update the score constantly, the 8.1 was only from ~200 persons so it likely was fan letting a score before the show even aired.
@myskaros the only problem wasn't the skipped content, most non LN reader that I know still find it ugly and most of them where confusing by the constant jump in time.
On MAL there was even a number of people who though it wasn't an isekai. -
@raitoiro yeah saw on Reddit a few comments from people who were watching it without any info and they were confused about what was going on. Comments had a bunch of upvotes so figured that was quite a bunch of people who agreed.
@hyferzftw I have no prior knowledge of the series and had no trouble following it or piecing together a ballpark picture of what they must have skipped past. I definitely got the impression that what we saw this episode was way more interesting than the stuff they skipped, too. Like, as butt ugly as the show is, I'll at least be giving it a second episode since 'crazy dude eats monsters to survive' is pretty unusual. If they'd spent an entire episode on hapless dude getting isekaied, getting the shitty video game class, and getting picked on for it, I'd have turned it off halfway. Obviously just my reaction to it, but I felt like jumping to the good stuff was the one part of this production that worked out.
@doceirias well hope you enjoy it. If you really enjoy it you might enjoy the LNs as well. Volume one is my favorite volume from the series since it sorta shows the struggle MC goes through. I figured if anything v1 shouldn’t have been gutted too much.