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Arifureta anime
@tgquan67 I'm pretty sure that the main issue was that overlap was really not satisfied with the visuals (mostly characters design) of the first version, so they had to change the staff and redo pretty much everything.
It wasn't just Overlap, there was a very strong negative reaction from the general public towards the key visuals. Which is probably what prompted Overlap to push back.
Only one cour and the first 3 volumes? Wonder how the anime only peeps will interpret Kaori's situation & how many NTR jokes there'll be?
After considering how one cour usually equals three volumes, I'm now skeptic they'll go with only 13 episodes. I think they'll do a thing from Shield Hero's book and aim for two cours instead.
I think this makes sense since a single Arifureta volume has more pages than the average LN in general?
I hope you are correct - but I suspect that you're not. If I recall correctly this is Overlap's first anime, I doubt they'd throw enough money at it to get 24--26 episodes in production pipeline all at once (I hope I'm wrong)
I think it's more likely there will be only first season produced w/ options in place for more if they see good ratings/book sales
Not to mention WhiteFox has another LN adaptation scheduled for Fall 2019, and they already aren’t the best at planning production for longer than a single cour.
@jon-mitchell Second I think. Grimgar was their first anime.
There's also Occultic;Nine. And Overlap NTR-ed Infinite Stratos almost a year before the second season aired.
@zing so it will only go for 13 episodes?!
@jjch102296 said in Arifureta anime:
@zing so it will only go for 13 episodes?!
Its unknown, but I suspect it might be the case.
@zing preorders for the blu-rays revealed a couple days ago that it will indeed be 13 episodes plus 2 OVAs.
13 episodes are not enough to justify it!!! we need at least 24 episodes!!
@legitpancake damn, so we aren't getting v4. IMO that's be the best place to stop for an Arifureta adaptation.
@paulnamida I am pretty sure the best place would be after they meet with Tio and sort out the brainwashed hero plot. It has a big fight and character growth, which accidentally happen to be volume 3.
If they try to cram 4 volumes into 13 episodes, it is just going to flop.
@zing could be worse. Ragnarok got into volume NINE.
@zing of course, but I was saying it in a general sense, if you didn't take into account the time constrictions, the best place to stop would be vol. 4 so you at least resolve Kaori's subplot. The first 4 volumes felt so organic as a whole, and it makes sense, the author originally intended to end the series at that point and leave it as a "their journey goes on" finale after all.
@paulnamida I feel like one of us is mistaken, somehow.
During volume 3, Hajime meets his teacher and some of the students for the first time. Gets a pep talk from the teacher, reconsiders his life's choices. Acquires a perverted dragon, becomes a better person. At the end of volume 3, Kaoridiot and CO are in the labyrinth while a shadow is observing them, ready to attack.During volume 4, their group is ambushed by a demon with bunch of monsters and Hajime comes to rescue them.
I have no clue what Kaoridiot subplot you are talking about truth be told.
@zing Kaori joins Hajime's party after he rescues them from the labyrinth, so the whole her being left out like comic relief ends and in future volumes her fights with Yue become the new comic relief to break up Tio's excessive panting that gets old really fast. But if you end it there with her joining the party, it seems like a good place to stop for the anime.
It's pretty obvious we're going to volume 3 because they show Tio. How much past that, we shall see.