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(Unofficial) Android/Win10 Rokujouma Reader. Nice Things status: can not be had.
@smashman42 Night mode switch explicitly sets reader (as in, thing with actual prepub text and nothing else) colors to #00/#FF black&white. Everything else follows the system theme colors. I just happen to have white on on windows and grayish on android as seen on the first post (updated couple of days ago).
@_08 The UI has switched to white on Android for me with v0.2.2 when all previous versions where grey
@smashman42 I didn't change anything color-related in my code but I updated some of tools which could in theory affect it. I uploaded a couple of 0.2.2b builds on google drive in case you want to experiment with that: _Plain.apk is built with newest tools and libraries, _VS17_SDK26_Forms34.apk is built with older MSBuild, targets older android SDK and uses older Xamarin.Forms. It's pretty unlikely that whatever you find will help to resolve that because I can't reproduce it myself so reporting or fixing that won't be easy. Maybe it'll just resolve itself sometime later.
Plain made no difference, the older SDK one wouldn't let me install it over the top - I'll try wiping app data/cache/uninstalling when I get a chance.
The device is an LG V30+ stuck on 8.0.0 atm (LG is infamously crap with updates after all, though supposedly I'll eventually get 9.x) so I was hoping the older target one might have worked.
If you can't reproduce it then it makes it super hard to do anything, I'll just live with it if I can't get that older target one to install. I can't complain much about something that's free after all!
Edit: the older target version is the same. Meh, I'll live.
Which version should I be using for future upgrade versions - regular 0.2.2 or 0.2.2b plain?
@smashman42 said in (Unofficial) Android/Win10 Rokujouma Reader. 40% faster crashes for the same price.:
Plain made no difference, the older SDK one wouldn't let me install it over the top
I forgot to bump up the version for apks except for plain and apparently android won't easily let you downgrade.
The device is an LG V30+ stuck on 8.0.0 atm (LG is infamously crap with updates after all, though supposedly I'll eventually get 9.x) so I was hoping the older target one might have worked.
I only have 5.0. and 6.0 so it's not about your version being old. I certainly need to set up the emulator some day.
Which version should I be using for future upgrade versions - regular 0.2.2 or 0.2.2b plain?
Both will work but 0.2.2b has two or three bugs fixed.
To commemorate Microsoft killing WinPhone (again) new version is uploaded to MS store.
version 0.2.3:- Version uploaded to MS store. Same as 0.2.4 except for a little bug with recent parts list and some experimental features disabled
version 0.2.4:
- Various bugs fixed (403 images being stuck in DL queue and causing significant CPU usage, non-JFIF JPEGs possibly causing crashes maybe something else I forgot)
- Android's theme is explicitly set to dark
- Manga is disabled by default, needs to be enabled using a switch with cursed animations
@_08 said in (Unofficial) Android/Win10 Rokujouma Reader. 40% faster crashes for the same price.:
- Android's theme is explicitly set to dark
Yay, that fixed my stupid phone's bug
I installed your APK on my fire tablet HD8. I like it much better than the official app.
The problem is, when I quit the app and try to get back in, the top part that shows the titles just sits there and says "loading". I have to uninstall and reinstall the app every time I use it. Even if I just hit the home button and don't fully exit, it still does it. -
@cimmadif said in (Unofficial) Android/Win10 Rokujouma Reader. 40% faster crashes for the same price.:
The problem is, when I quit the app and try to get back in, the top part that shows the titles just sits there and says "loading".
I don't remember the specifics but that probably wasn't an issue in my use case (logged in and with "use alternative API" toggled on). I also thought it was something I introduced after 0.2.4 (not in public builds). Or maybe some new metadata from JNC broke old versions — this happens sometimes and using alternative API may help because I can just update things on server side.
Anyway, I fixed that or a similar problem few weeks ago but encountered some other problems with building. I'll try to make a new one in a few hours or sometime this weekend if it won't go that well.
version 0.2.5:
- Hopefully more stability thanks to some rewritten code
- Less frequent 503 errors when opening manga
- Settings bar can be brought up in the scrolling reader by double-tapping in android or pressing space in UWP
@cimmadif can't reproduce anything similar to your issue now. If it still occurs you can check the logs (about->show log) on first run when it seemingly fails to save and subsequent runs when it seemingly fails to load. Or errors in adb logcat.
Whatever you did, seems to have fixed it. Working perfectly now.
I have my new J-novel App.Thank You !!
version 0.2.6:
- Added a page with recently read parts (one per serie)
- Right now top few are ordered by publication date, bottom — by reading date. It may or may not change in the future.
- Individual part's percentage indicator in the list will change properly right away, but it won't switch to a newer part or change the position in the list unless you reload/restart app
- Manga may show as last page of last read chapter instead of 0th page of a newer chapter because manga progress is stored in a dumb way
- You can now pick how long to stay logged in (between 1 and 365 days)
- Support for <h4> tag in prepub reader, slightly better <img> url parsing
- Android: fixed a bug that resulted in a too few columns on novel/manga list page
- Horizontal paged reader: fixed an old regression that caused pages and images to shrink vertically as long as text fits
- Added a page with recently read parts (one per serie)
I was able to install 0.2.5 in both my phone (Android 9) and ereader (Android 6), but got "App not installed" and "There was a problem parsing the package" for 0.2.6. Pretty sure it's not incomplete download becaused I've tried redownloading. Is the file corrupted?
@nofairytale said in (Unofficial) Android/Win10 Rokujouma Reader. Nice Things status: can not be had.:
Pretty sure it's not incomplete download becaused I've tried redownloading. Is the file corrupted?
It's pretty hard to make a corrupt file nowadays. However, uploading wrong (unsigned) is trivial and it's not even the first time I made this mistake.
I uploaded a proper package (RokujoumaReader.RokujoumaReader_signed.apk) to the same folder and made sure it actually installs (I don't always do that because I normally install to my devices from dev tools instead).
@_08 Thanks! Nice new feature too with the series name in different page, as it was quite wieldy. The lack of official app is disheartening but yours is a savior.
If there's one thing I wish it has though, it's a white version interface. On a phone it's no big deal, but would make a big difference in comfort on an ereader.
@nofairytale said in (Unofficial) Android/Win10 Rokujouma Reader. Nice Things status: can not be had.:
On a phone it's no big deal, but would make a big difference in comfort on an ereader.
I was historically trying to simply use system theme but apparently it's not even a thing on android because fuck consistency let's make everyone
reinventpaint the wheels.I was trying to make dark and light themes work recently but without android 10+ I can't even test it properly.
You aren't supposed to stay in those menus too long anyway and actual reader has color options (whole two of them).
@_08 Many thanks for a great client, especially with the addition of the "Recently read" view.
Would it be possible for you to add the option to hide fully read parts at least from the "Recently read" view?
@Icerius I'll try to add that soon along with some other sorting options. Probably not for manga, though, because it's been like half a year and I still don't know how I want to implement chapter's length/percentage storage (it stores read pages count instead of % because that's how JNC's reader does it for some reason).