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Invaders of the Rokujouma 22
why cant i access Invaders of the Rokujouma vol 22?
There are also no entries for this series in the release table. -
@starmiya It hasn't been released yet by J-Novel. The pre pub parts should be posted for volume 22 next month.
But why are there already parts for volumes from 23 available?
@starmiya when they Licensed Rokujouma they started from the beginning for new readers and from where the Fan TL left off (volume 23), it was a very special circumstance.
So since they started they have been releasing a volume a month from the beginning, while still translating Volumes 23 forward.
@rahul-balaggan As long as were mentioning the final B-T volume, are the any plans to translate volume 31?
Has 31 been released in Japan yet? -
@paul-nebeling I am sure they will get to it soon, either Warnis is too busy with Magicmaster or V31 is still in contract negotiations...
@jon-mitchell it was released in March of this year.
@jon-mitchell Yup. I've got a copy from Japan with the Drama CD.
@rahul-balaggan True. Warnis is translating Magicmaster to say nothing about needing to finish volume 22.