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Not to mention if Sam left it up, it could probably hurt his relationship with the publishers. I'm sure there will be the glut of people who would never pay money complaining (you see it a lot when any property is licensed) but it IS necessary.
I'm really surprised Hobby Japan went along with this. It certainly opens up a lot of possibilities for subsequent licenses. (Anyone got a list of HJ series with fan translations?)
@Sam-Pinansky Sam, what kind of relationships do you have with GA bunko? Did you try already discuss with them?
Okay I am taking a stab in the dark here with a guess
Re: At least it's not an isekai, and Red Vs Blue Vs Green I think it's
Luminous ☆ Idol
@Rahul-Balaggan said in Speculation thread regarding new Aquisitions [ 4 NEW TITLES HINTED, TIME FOR SPECULATION!]:
Luminous ☆ Idol
It can be, but I hope that it is not this one, personally, I read the preview and it didn´t catch me.
@sparhawk6 1 of the positives of the novel is that it is only 1 volume (at least I don't think a second is planned for now)
So if they did pick it up they could finish it and then move the team that worked on this to a brand new project theory that is.
It'd be great if we could get some more 1 volume deals going.
Stuff like Iris on Rainy Days, Biscuit Frankenstein, Amaryllis in the Ice Country, Kougyoku Izuki also has a bunch of 1 volume stuff, as does Miaki Sugaru, which happens to be one of my all time favorite authors (though his stuff read like a light novel, they are published by a novel label and have no illustrations). Though J-Novel needs to extend its roots a bit more for any of the above I believe as they are from other publishers.
Always found shorter (1-2 volumes) stuff to be a bit more inviting. -
Well, there is just one shorter LN series that I would love to read, it is Violet Evergarden.
@sparhawk6 Isn't that the one that is getting a movie by Kyoto Animation?
@Pmf96 should be a series, not a movie (source:, but otherwise you're right.
@Jaquobus Oh, even better :3
Saw the trailer/PV when it came out and have been pretty excited to watch it since then :smile:
Though, I was under the impression that it was going to be a movie. Not sure why...
Also, had no idea that it was a light novel. Kinda interested in reading it :3 -
@Jaquobus @Pmf96 it is series yep. It have only 2 volumes. But we still don't know when it will be aired. I know the story from summaries, also the ending. But read the whole thing will be cool. Also, I still have hope that @Sam-Pinansky will get Date a Live, Shinmai Maou no Testament, Highschool DxD or Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan, Hundred. ^^
Honestly when it comes to LNS being licensed I always hope that JNC can get to it first before YP, as YP take so long to translate it triggers me just thing about it.
All four licenses up now. Infinite Dendogram and Demon King Daimo something or other. =P
Too much reading. How can I hold all these LNs?
I'll try them all! Infinite Dendogram looks like it might be fun and I have no idea about For My Daughter but I predict Rokujouma and Daimaou are not going to be my thing. Gotta catch up with the other JNC series first though!
I'm posting my gripes here. lol. Demon King Daimaou. If It’s for My Daughter, I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord. Invaders of the Rokujouma!? Are simply speaking, recycled, so I'm not excited at the least. I was expecting so much, like, they'd get saikano, inou battle nichijou, heck even at least the old mini skirt pirates... or other nice unlicensed/unworked on titles...
Infinite Dendrogram... 1 out of 4 at least, not all is lost.
@yoshimin when the day arrives and they license Saekano, or Inou Battle it will be all the sweeter.
For now they gotta lay the ground work and for companies like Kadokawa (Saekano) and SoftBank ( inou battle) they are gonna wanna see solid results in the form of sales.
No company will take a chance on something that looks like it will fail, so they wanna wait and see.
J-Novel Club just turned 6 months old, and just today released their 25 Light Novel volume.I am hoping SoftBank sees good things in J-Novel soon...but I have no hopes for Kadokawa, at least not in the near future.
Softbank ... Rakudaaai or Hundred pleaseeee :D
I want Inou Battle in Everyday Life too.
Anyone know if it continues past the anime a bit (like what volume the anime ends at, and what they're on now)?
Well, cute LN from Softbank is also Majo no Tabitabi. There is also Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut, Seiken Tsukai no Kinju Eishou. ( 11 and 19 vol )