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Cross Infinite World Polls
So, this is something I didn't know about until today, Cross Infinite World polls people on Twitter about different questions on a regular basis.
This week's question was:
A lot of light novels based on games or other media tend not to have the same artist across mediums. Would you be more likely to buy a novelization if it shared the same art as the source material?
The previous week was this:
In the past high school aged protagonists dominated the market, but recently stories with working adults are growing more popular in both the West and Japan! What age range do you tend to prefer a light novel protagonist to fall under? don't know if you guys have any extended thoughts on these or how they may use them to decide on series (or if it's just for some good fun).
Them mentioning games that have adaptations in light novel form kind of makes me anticipate we may get some. Guessing they'll target some Otome games, but there's definitely some male readership romance novels I'd love (cough cough, White Album).
Thanks for pointing this out, Yes it could be related for some upcoming title, it could be interesting he LN would explore 1 route and branch in the story and if you are interested for more you could always go back to the VN for more.
@terrence said in Cross Infinite World Polls:
A lot of light novels based on games or other media tend not to have the same artist across mediums. Would you be more likely to buy a novelization if it shared the same art as the source material?
I don't buy LNs based on the covers, but the interior art can make me enjoy it more leading me to keep reading the first novel and then the rest of the series.
Having the same character designs (with or without the same artist) could help if I had played or watched the source material. If I haven't played the game / visual novel then it won't matter to me.
In the past high school aged protagonists dominated the market, but recently stories with working adults are growing more popular in both the West and Japan! What age range do you tend to prefer a light novel protagonist to fall under?
Adults for me. I'm long past my teen years and can get impatient with teen MCs being teens -- insecure, over-emotional, easily flustered.
One of the good parts of Realist Hero is the MC is college age instead of high school. That also makes it more reasonable for everyone to act like adults: relationships that progress and a more mature approach to everything.
Death March having a 29-year-old MC adds to the relaxed fun since he can react to flirting or teasing with amusement instead of panic.
@harmlessdave I agree on the older characters. I think the main reason for the high school based characters is the demographic of the target - high school kids.
But, those HSKs grow up, so they want to see people like themselves, so the age of characters SHOULD have a larger spread. Maybe it's the authors that aren't growing up?
Then there are things like Potion Loli... Is the main character 22, or 15?
Seen the age poll and I just passed on it, Terrence revived it on my Twitter TL and I went ahead and ignored it again, and now, it's here, so I guess I gotta throw my two cents in.
(Third time is the charm, they say.)Well, the reason why I didn't interact with the poll initially is I don't have a preference.
It's more about the story-MC dynamics.
I don't care if he's 8 year old who is narrating the most disturbing stuff in the most innocent way completely unawares he's painting horrors in the most colorful way. (some kinda of unreliable narrator.) or veteran who lived hundred of years retelling old stories of his youth.
So it's more like what kind of MC this 'idea' or 'story' needs.There are stories that can't be told but by teens and early adults where they find themselves in the initial life crossroad (like Kokoro Connect, Monogatari, Seishun Buta, Remake our life-in a way-) or adults, especially middle-age men who may be struggling to accept the self they build and the choices they made up till now. (Mikkakan no Koufuku)
So it's always case-by-case thing for me without any bias or preference.
@bloodygaikotsu said in Cross Infinite World Polls:
Seen the age poll and I just passed on it, Terrence revived it on my Twitter TL and I went ahead and ignored it again, and now, it's here, so I guess I gotta throw my two cents in.
(Third time is the charm, they say.)Well, the reason why I didn't interact with the poll initially is I don't have a preference.
It's more about the story-MC dynamics.
I don't care if he's 8 year old who is narrating the most disturbing stuff in the most innocent way completely unawares he's painting horrors in the most colorful way. (some kinda of unreliable narrator.) or veteran who lived hundred of years retelling old stories of his youth.
So it's more like what kind of MC this 'idea' or 'story' needs.There are stories that can't be told but by teens and early adults where they find themselves in the initial life crossroad (like Kokoro Connect, Monogatari, Seishun Buta, Remake our life-in a way-) or adults, especially middle-age men who may be struggling to accept the self they build and the choices they made up till now. (Mikkakan no Koufuku)
So it's always case-by-case thing for me without any bias or preference.
Makes sense. Part of why I prefer stories with older characters is that they are the exception in a market aimed at teens. I never have to hunt for a teen character, they've filled the shelves and are piled to the ceiling .
After 99 series with the High School Student Council fighting the Big Bad, a story like Black Heaven or Zone of the Enders is a breath of fresh air.
After 99 series that end at or before high school graduation, Clannad continuing on with work and early family life is also a nice exception.
Latest poll: Which do you prefer for light novel color images at the start of the book? Original scenes not in the book or depictions of scenes from the story?
Didn't catch this thread the last time through, but don't really get a chance to scan the forums as much as I'd like. On this, I'd have to say something of a variation from the story. I don't want it to be a spoiler, but it's nice if it can at least fit current events. Having said that, most of the images which have a lasting effect on me from light novels are those which are used for character introductions/additions. As I'm reading, I like having at least a face to attach to who I'm reading about. Especially in stories like Rokujouma, where there are an infinite number of characters, or Smartphone, where the wives-to-be and their families to keep track of, having a visualization of new characters in the opening art are probably those which I most appreciate. In volumes which include these, I tend to check them several times.