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Seasonal Anime
I have been saying this for the past few years now, it seems like anime is becoming more and more seasonal. By that I mean waiting a new season of a show on a regular basis (new season every year or two). Shonen Jump titles are easy to adapt in seasonal because every year you have about 25 episodes worth of content added. LN anime adaptions I see getting up to at MOST 3 volumes adapted per season and getting a new season yearly or bi-yearly. I am really excited to the day where I can watch anime on a seasonal basis.
Interesting topic. Which anime are planned as multi-season at release (more than one 'season' / cour or initial release is planned for 25+ episodes)
Among current titles; The newest Sword Art Online (Alicization), nothing else immediately springs to mind.I agree that it's frustrating when you 'get in to' a series only to have to wait years for the next installment- it's almost as if the creators are trying to only give you a taste, so that you'll have to go out and buy the LN to see what happens next (snark)
@jon-mitchell yes and this is exactly what it is. The anime are a way to promote the LN. Although I wonder if some popular series don't earn more money as an anime.
in the USA? I bet anime earns more. In Japan, I suspect the anime revenue is secondary. (in Japan)
my (snark) tag was to let everyone know that I am aware anime producers are acting like drug dealers, maybe I should've tagged it as sarcasm not snark?
I think My Hero Academia really shows why the seasonal approach to anime can work. Shonen Jump has change and maybe Shonen Jump anime will change too. I suspect the The Promised Neverland will get the seasonal treatment and I hope the other Shonen Jump titles getting anime will also too. Even just LN among LN adaptions there some that just work for the seasonal approach or are getting new seasons. Goblin Slayer will be back, Konosuba is getting the movie and hopefult a S3 next year, Shield hero is perfect for the seasonal approach, and despite whatever your feeling about SAO, it having new seasons is good for this cause.
@jon-mitchell Reminds me of "Me, A Genius?" where Kouki wondered if the Russians had realized that the money was in the merchandising rights...
I'm not sure I fully understand the idea behind this topic so I probably might wonder off-topic. But still. Anime has turned seasonal since forever (or at the very least 2008-2010) which is a good thing because in the prior age it has been plagued with anime original endings and other god awful mockery of the source. On the other side, anime is now a lot less standalone and self-contained, often feels like a short promotion.
But it's not like it's something new, the current generation possibly doesn't even remember those times...? And not much has changed since the shift, except maybe the introduction of split-cours and seasons becoming shorter and shorter.
Maybe for some it feels like the seasons have become more frequent and hence more "seasonal" but in reality it's really just Shounen Jump. While they did more long-running series before, nowadays they usually prefer to test the waters first and then continue with the more popular franchises. Plus they are now giving at least one season to literally any relatively popular manga.
Others are pretty much doing the same thing they have always done though. Unfortunately, I don't feel like there are all that more sequels than before, just the usual super-popular things, the rest stops at two seasons at best. Often it's pseudo "two" seasons when they cut a planned 24-episode series into 2 seasons of 12 eps. And as always the best stuff usually has only one >_>