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Report Website Bugs Here!
@jessie Following up on Pancake:
@sam-pinansky Hey, uhm, is there any news about the bug regarding premium credits? I have another series I want to buy, but I'm kinda holding back because I might accidentally use the excess premium credits. I've already tried logging out, closing my browser, and logging in again countless times, and it has always been the same each and every time. I can understand if the team that fixes the bugs is really busy. It's not like they can address each and every problem here given how few they are. I just hope this issue isn't forgotten because this is pretty much a major bug in your system even if it rarely happens. Please give me an update. Sorry for the nagging, and thank you for your support.
How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: volume 5 part 10 should be "part 9".
Sorry, didn't know where else to report this.
@azarek This is the right place. It's been already reported in Discord too. The part itself is part 9's content though, so you can read it safely for now anyway.
The link for Smartphone 11 says available but when clicked I'm taken to the item not found splash page... What broke this time?
Usually when that happens, nothing is specifically broken, it's just that the content doesn't exist yet.
The release schedule is all based on automated timers: parts get a release date and time assigned to them, and the website will mark them as available at that time even if nobody actually physically uploaded the part yet.
I guess that could still be considered a bug in the sense that the website could check if the file actually exists on disk and just put it as "Soon!" instead of "Released" in the scenario where the release date/time has passed but the part wasn't uploaded yet. It would, at least, reduce the instance of users seeing errors.
This post is deleted! -
I think the Releases tab hasn't been updated because How Not To Summon A Demon Lord volume 6 part 1 is out but it was never mentioned there. I only realized it was out because I reread volume 5.
Can't seem to get to the latest Amagi release thanks to my supposed luck:
@redmaw Yeah, they forgot to upload it or it's been delayed but they forgot to update the release time. Either way they forgot something lol
@tsunami-0 best to email support,
@Sam-Pinansky I see that you have updated the RELEASES page to support both LNs and Manga, but the spacing is kinda huge. On desktop I can see only 2-3 days of the month now, depending on how many releases are listed. Can you reduce a bit the padding/margin? It requires way too much scrolling now compared to before.
@terabyte Sure, it's still a work in progress...
Not too many people use the "releases" yet anyway. -
@sam-pinansky said in Report Website Bugs Here!:
@terabyte Sure, it's still a work in progress...
Not too many people use the "releases" yet anyway.I do. It provides a quick overview of volumes to be released. Slight problem is it's not comprehensive, Rokuyoma releases never appear on it, and sometimes others slip past it like The Magic in this Other World is Too Far Behind! Vol. 7 just today. The banner with the latest volumes tends to be accurate though.
Soo, j-novel will start to release manga too?
@korppi said in Report Website Bugs Here!:
Soo, j-novel will start to release manga too?
Yes they announced it back in July at Anime Expo
I use it to get to the weekly chapter releases because it's a pain having to page through all the different tabs to get to the series, and then get to the chapter when using the releases page just takes me strait there and I can just scroll down to today's date. So yeah, was a bit strange seeing it flip to a view that used up so much space. Also the actual when a chapter is available has vanished from the page (Coming up in 16 hours, useful for some of the series that say they release on a specific day, but don't actually unlock until like 9PM in the evening)
@Sam-Pinansky I think the search functionality for titles is currently completely broken, as it doesn't display any results.
@jaquobus said in Report Website Bugs Here!:
@Sam-Pinansky I think the search functionality for titles is currently completely broken, as it doesn't display any results.
Strangely, if you switch the 'Novel' trigger to 'Manga' and then back to 'Novel' and THEN push 'Search' it will display the correct results...
Any page on the main site will not fully load or work for me right now.
@redmaw Check this topic: