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Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World
I stopped reading the series right when he gets enough money that he can finally buy his first sex slave. I was already disgusted enough at that point.
I've never read/played The Witcher, so I can't make any valid comparison. This series' protagonist will just kill anybody in a certain area without knowing their circumstances or if they're guilty or innocent just because it's an area likely to have criminals, and because a small number of them might have bounties.
There's a difference between paying a prostitute for sex and buying a slave for the sole purpose of having sex with them.
I personally see no difference between the two. Either way, you are paying for sex. The difference is mainly with ownership. One, you don't own the person you are having sex with - someone else does. Other one, you do own the person you are having sex with. At least with the second one (owning them), the owner does have a choice of treating them well and not abusing them. With the first, you have no idea how they've been treated. With the second, you at least know how they've been treated since they became yours.
Does that mean slavery is right? No, it is neither a matter of right nor wrong, but I don't really see there being a difference between paying for a prostitute and paying for a sex slave. At least not one that makes sex slave a worse choice. I think both are equally bad (and conversely, equally good). Obviously, I won't judge someone who became either of their own volition.
I'll have to read this in more detail to really be sure about the killing anyone part, but that could simply be due to how it is translated rather than the original text (unless you are a native reader reading the original text). I would rather make sure that this reason isn't due to a misunderstanding - something I've been seeing a lot, whether people are willing to admit it or not.
I've said this before, but usually in these stories, the protagonist treats the characters better than slaves of the world would normally be treated. Even when slaves are already treated well and especially when slaves aren't.
I do have a problem with judging people according to our own perceived society values though. I believe that to properly judge people, you need to go by the values of their world (or more specifically, their society). You have people that would be bad in our world, good in their society, and bad in their world. You have people that would be good in our world, good in their society, but bad in their world. Values change depending on the society and the world. Note, I'm saying the values, not what they actually do. Values here would be the Public society values; not the one that they actually follow, but the values that they express belief in. (The two can be the same, but in many cases, are different). I think in another thread, someone mistook what I was trying to say.
Looks like the translated version is gone anyways so raws it is. Good chance to practice with translating properly instead of translating to a dead language first anyways since I was planning to translate a series as practice. I was hoping to ease into it, but I guess it is also more my style to just jump in. I "learned to run before [I] learned to crawl" anyways.
Note: While I'm using the points in their post, I'm neither saying that Guspaz is right nor wrong. Guspaz doesn't like the series and that is fine. I think people have been misunderstanding that I'm directing things specifically at them. There is no way we can convince someone to think differently than how they were raised. Like how I was raised to hate humans because humans are worse than demons, other people were raised to think humans are right. No matter what, those perceptions aren't something that will easily change.
(Again, this is a general statement and not directed at anyone specifically): Even if the series' protagonist will kill anybody in a certain area without knowing their circumstances or if they're guilty/innocent just because the area is likely to have criminals...
How does that make them different from any RPG protagonist that invades monsters' habitats and kills them? Like Monster Hunter, as an example. Many of those monsters were just minding their own business, living their everyday lives and suddenly some person invades their homes and starts to butcher them.
What makes human lives more important than any other creature? I've seen many arguments, but... Because they can think? So can other creatures. Because they have language? Other creatures can communicate too. Because they have souls? What says that other creatures don't have souls? Because humans can feel pain? Other creatures do too (and if we were to argue that, then it would be ok if humans didn't feel pain?). Because humans are special? That is just an arbitrary decision then.
Why is it that when a world's society values says that murdering monsters is ok, we accept it, but when a world's society values says that murdering people is ok, we use our own values? That is just double standards to me. I can understand the argument of eating animal and not humans, but that is more due to the health reasons. I won't stop humans from killing animals to survive, but I find it odd that humans then get angry when animals protect themselves.
@zing I agree with you there. None of the slaves were unwillingly to sleep with him well other than the noble elf at first but that only lasted one day anyway since Roxanne taught her the proper treatment for a slave. Those 5 other than they were bought aren't even treated as slaves either as for the nightly issues you don't even get anything about it in the WN. I seen far worse in other LN's HxH or DxD are more graphic than this series. Most of the time it's hunting monsters or getting roped into something by the Duke. I wouldn't mind seeing someone pick this one up
For the slavery thing and the sex thing, I never really seen it in a bad way. Yes slavery is a bad thing both morally and economy wise, why would the Greeks make a full sized steam engine if they can have the slaves to the work a steam engine could? There were laws that protected slaves, if you harmed another person's slave you had to pay a price, though the slaves owners could treat then however they wished. In rome if you were a house slave you were treated very Well, and the slave may even become free and as was costume the slave would be adopted in the family and their children would be citizens. For the sex aspect well I do not see it as any different then a prostitute though a sex slave would pretty much be a personal prostitute, and I saw it that you have to choose to be a sex slave to be sold as one.
@guspaz said in Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World:
I stopped reading the series right when he gets enough money that he can finally buy his first sex slave. I was already disgusted enough at that point.
I've never read/played The Witcher, so I can't make any valid comparison. This series' protagonist will just kill anybody in a certain area without knowing their circumstances or if they're guilty or innocent just because it's an area likely to have criminals, and because a small number of them might have bounties.
There's a difference between paying a prostitute for sex and buying a slave for the sole purpose of having sex with them.
So reading it in detail, no, he won't kill just anybody. He has an ability that can verify that they are bad people (murdered/stolen) and thus far, he only killed people who attacked others. He very specifically uses his ability to verify before he killed. And the first time he killed, he didn't realized he was killing people.
Even though he does buy a sex slave, he doesn't force it. He didn't buy a slave for the sole purpose of having sex with them either - it was a bonus. Spoilers ahead.
@Zing it definitely seems that some of the people who really hate this and similar series never actually read the series and only skimmed them. They miss a lot of key points that show that the protagonist is basically the opposite of what they assume - and that is by the point that they claim they've read up to.
Granted, it is probably due to the fact that they aren't considering the world of the series. Like how people might go "OMG, Goblin Slayer is heartless because he murdered an adventurer at the start of the first volume." Except he killed them because they were too late to save, would have died suffering, and was asking for a mercy kill. If you only focus on the fact that he killed the adventurer, you miss the circumstances that led to the kill.
Similarly, certain people who read novels about slaves and sex slaves tend to immediately look badly at anyone who supports slaves and sex slaves. It is already formed in their mind that the series is bad once the protagonist supports slavery, especially sex slavery. Once that happens, they start only focusing on the facts that support their opinion and ignore any facts that deny their opinion. It is human nature and anyone that is human or successfully pretending to be human will do that.
I might not be a fan of forced slavery (much less forced sex slavery), but I will only judge based on the setting, not by my values.
@sinnoaria I think that they shouldn't like any series I will list now then due to MC contributing to slavery in some way or just let's it happen as if it has nothing to do with them.
Shield hero (MC buys slaves)
Death March (Mc buys slaves, one of witch tries to rape him Using psychic magic)
No Game No Life (Jibril gave herself as part of the bet in vol 2)
Ancient Magus Bride (MC is a slave and wants to be with her buyer, Stockholm syndrome much)
Harry Potter (only Hermione is against the house elf slavery) ~not anime related but fits with this
Mixed bathing (MC goes and buys a slave)
Elf bride (Again buys a slave)Heck there are many more series in English where a main character does some awful or depecible things like the Huruhi Suzumiya series for intense.
@sinnoaria But goblin slayer killed innocent baby goblins! Reading re:monster after reading goblin slayer was weird. You should probably not read Isekai Taneuma.
@drone205 a lot of isekai revolve around a slave in one way or another.
@drone205 said in Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World:
@sinnoaria I think that they shouldn't like any series I will list now then due to MC contributing to slavery in some way or just let's it happen as if it has nothing to do with them.
Shield hero (MC buys slaves)
Death March (Mc buys slaves, one of witch tries to rape him Using psychic magic)
No Game No Life (Jibril gave herself as part of the bet in vol 2)
Ancient Magus Bride (MC is a slave and wants to be with her buyer, Stockholm syndrome much)
Harry Potter (only Hermione is against the house elf slavery) ~not anime related but fits with this
Mixed bathing (MC goes and buys a slave)
Elf bride (Again buys a slave)Heck there are many more series in English where a main character does some awful or depecible things like the Huruhi Suzumiya series for intense.
Cough Cough...
Harry Potter though, there is that one argument I've heard a lot. "It is fantasy. They weren't human anyways." Seriously, I've heard that argument a lot as if only humans (and certain humanoids) matter. Like, seriously people? And humans wonder why I've long given up hope on the human race.
I mean, I supposed if you think about it from their point of view, humans buy, capture, and raise pets as well as train them. That is basically slavery. Plus livestock. So I guess they do have a point that if it isn't human, it isn't called slavery anymore.
I'm not sure if you should really call her a witch though... I mean, I guess depending on your definition, she is...
@zing said in Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World:
@sinnoaria But goblin slayer killed innocent baby goblins! Reading re:monster after reading goblin slayer was weird. You should probably not read Isekai Taneuma.
@drone205 a lot of isekai revolve around a slave in one way or another.
Oh gawd, that one.
Seriously though, if you didn't read the story properly, that is exactly the reaction people would have. "OMG, he murdered babies!" Like people, it rather specifically states that the baby goblins attack, torture, and kill anyone that spares them.
And that is definitely true that slavery and isekai almost go hand in hand.
This is a interesting series, got my upvote.
Looks like the author has posted a new chapter of the WN on Syosetu after ~1 year. I saw it pop up unexpectedly on my NU feed.
@terabyte You can find translation at rising the dead for chapter 222.
@zing Yup, I know :)
I was posting more to let everyone know the author finally updated the WN after 1 year of hiatus(?). If I recall right there were no new volumes of the LN because almost all the content of the WN was already published, if the author is starting back up then we'll see new LN volumes, too.
@terabyte I've been reading a lot of dark fantasy recently and then BAM, new chapter came out today. Kinda made me realise how much I missed this series.
Hopefully we will finally see resolution to that stupid "shoes" problem that began... a year ago? -
I also vote to officialize this series into English through JNC, despite people's obviously over the top objections. It's really quite ridiculous how oppose people are to this, sadly.
Of course, I am biased heavily.
@zing the slow part is offsetting me. Or more the part about him experimenting. How about this Job and then the effect of this magic. Do I need 3 slashes, 4? Experimenting and all is good and ok and anyone would do it. But seriously this MC is a lil too obsessed about it. Or more the author to bring up is page count. What would be wrong with giving simply his observations? Do I really need 2 pages of dialoge on what he is trying, what he awaits plus an analysis? And this many times?
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@saskir Your concern is valid, although I would rather complain about all the pages they spent on cooking :D
Without seeing health or damage numbers, how can you gauge the enemy strength or your own growth? How can you gauge that combination of YX is stronger then AY?
MC is also very concerned about safety margin, he does not want to put himself or his party into a perilous situation. I dunno, but I prefer him fiddling with the numbers than cooking :)P.S. Its funny how in every Isekai, MC is a master chef.
@zing said in Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World:
@saskir Your concern is valid, although I would rather complain about all the pages they spent on cooking :D
Without seeing health or damage numbers, how can you gauge the enemy strength or your own growth? How can you gauge that combination of YX is stronger then AY?
MC is also very concerned about safety margin, he does not want to put himself or his party into a perilous situation. I dunno, but I prefer him fiddling with the numbers than cooking :)P.S. Its funny how in every Isekai, MC is a master chef.
It is a requirement for being sent to another world. The world first checks if you have Master Chef as a title. If not, it rejects you.
@sinnoaria damn then I need to cook a little less good. I don't want to end in an isekai plot.
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