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My Next Life as a Villainess - anime discussion
I swear Sam has all the scoops in the industry ;)
Watch on CrunchyrollSeason 2 has been announced for 2021!
zomg - they better not Ragnarok it
@smashman42 Honestly, I think it's impossible messing it up so badly. I only watched half of Ragnarok's anime since I didn't want to spoil the story, but I read they went up to volume 8(?) with the last episode. Bakarina only has 6 volumes out at worst 😂
@legitpancake Yes I think they tipped him about the adaptation.
@Terabyte & @smashman42 probably it wont but even if anime flops I think Bakarina is becoming fairly popular on it's own on JN.
They are also doing an adaptation of I am a spider so what looking forward for that too.
@terabyte i was planning to read ragnarock but see that its anime is about to air. So i watched ragnarock (compleatly). It was soo bad that after that i decided to never look at its novel also (i planned to just read spoiler of light novel when it will end just to know what will happen). So i want to ask you is ragnarock light novel is better then anime?? Should i try it (as i cant even look at it due to anime) or just read spoilers?? How much anime has covered (and rushed)?? And does it have some good comedy and tatics (unlike anime)??
Plz replay.
Thx -
@bromit The anime sucks, it is one of the worst and rushed adaptations I have ever seen. The LN is much better, the tactics and every kind of logic/explanation/background was completely skipped in the anime. You should definitely take a look at the LN, the difference is night and day. (Maybe next time it is on catchup?)
@bromit Basically, the ragnarok anime is to the light novel what Dragon Ball Evolution is to DBZ.
@smashman42 Harsh. Very fitting, but harsh.
@bromit pretty much all the criticism thrown at the anime can be answered with "they do explain that in the LN." It's a shitty adaptation
@smashman42 I had to google what DBE was because I apparently blocked its existence out of my memory. Thanks for reminding me...
anyone know anything about production company/director? other stuff they did that we might be familiar with? should I get my hopes up of this being any good?
Anyone watch it?
I did. They did a really good job in this interpretation. Looking forward to the rest now.
Was really a joy to watch. Katarina, Keith and Georod were so damm cute I hope they take their time with the childhood episodes.
Just finished it, loved everything about it. Just annoyed by Crunchyroll’s “Catarina” subtitles... Even though the CR series description even spells it with a K. Smh.
It's so cute! It felt like they crammed a lot in the first episode but I enjoyed seeing Bakarina be Bakarina.
As someone who hasn't read the LNs the first episode was good enough to give me a decent grasp of the story, setting, and how the story will probably progress overall. I can't really say much about speed, but it certainly didn't feel rushed. It also maintained my interest such that I'm willing to give it one or two more episodes. I figure the second episode will finish introducing the other two love interests and start the story proper.
The first episode seems to be hinting that Catarina's antics for dealing with impending doom will endear her towards Geordo (assuming I'm interpreting his shaking/giggling after the tree incident correctly) and more obviously ensuring Keith doesn't stay alone.
I'm also guessing the opening showing the four love interests with four girls is implying a lack of terminal romantic rivalry, love dodecahedron, and harem route. Or close enough at any rate, I'm going to assume that given Crunchyroll is describing it as a love comedy any potential drama is going to be played for laughs.
If the anime manages to hold my interest I'll probably end up reading the LNs while it's still on catch up.
I enjoyed it. The art style is nice, and the adaptation is good. It's not so much moving fast, it's more that it dropped the (frequently complained about) viewpoint repetition from the LN. I'm curious to see how the anime chooses to present the other character's views of Katarina's antics.
And yeah, CR is doing a... job with names as usual. They did use Dirt Bump though. The animation for that was great.
Pretty good first episode, felt a little bit rushed but it was entertaining none the less.
Also, once again Crunchyroll gets the main characters name wrong, I wonder if they just do this bug those of us who read the book first.
@Eternal-Wanderer I wouldn't exactly say Crunchyroll got them wrong as that is how they are displayed in English in the animation. More likely this is on the publisher giving the animation studio incorrect English translations of the names.