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In Another World with My Smartphone Anime adaptation (Crunchyroll & Funi)
I'm surprised this was such a popular title since the MC is so overpowered lol.
It's a fun read, but I would have guessed a Grimgar season 2 (fat chance due to the art style probably being very expensive) or Arifureta anime first -
The aggressive release schedule they are pursuing for this title had me guess there were big things in the pipeline for the series. I'm happy it's getting an adaption as it's pretty much pure relaxing fun. Like a less gonzo silly God's Gift.
Looking forward to this relaxing Harem Isekai series. :3
@Bryan I would love a 2nd season of Grimgar but I think the bigger problem outside of the art being expensive is that the studio that did the art for Grimgar closed due to the directors health concerns.
On the note of this topic though I think it's great this is getting an anime. I haven't read it either but getting an anime is good news. Having it ready by Summer though seems a little bit...rushed...
@Rozmdan what?! I didn't know that :'( now the dream is dead.
@the-green-death I wasn't expecting this, but in retrospect it makes sense. It's a popular title in Japan, HJ approached JN asking them to translate it, and based on Sam's comments in the AMA about getting series that might get an anime in the future, I could see how he might've been referring to this. Although like @Bryan, I thought that Arifureta would get an anime first.
Still, this is exciting news. I'll have to catch up starting with the premium ebook and then be better about keeping up with the prepubs moving forward.
Like everyone else, I'm surprised others didn't get adapted first, but no complaints here.
I think all those girls have appeared in the translation so far except one.
This is going to be pretty dope. Really glad to see it is really happening!
Honestly very much looking forward to this adaptation. Wondering which studio will be behind it.
I am so excited to read the first volume once the e-pub gets out already preordered!
@Rozmdan Hmmm... Are you sure about that?
If I'm not wrong it was A-1 that adapted Grimgar, but they are still making anime... I mean, right now they have 'Blue exorcist' and 'Demi-chan' and already have some anime for the next season...
Can you please explain? if feel like I'm missing something :confounded: -
@Pmf96 he specifically referred to the art studio, which according to indeed did shut down. However, I think A-1 could defer this job to another studio, it's only one part of the overall production after all.
Really not expecting that we would get an anime adaptation from a title of J-Novel so soon... especially this one :sweat_smile:
Good news though :smile:
Still on topic but still a kinda random... do we have an Isekai/harem anime? Nothing comes to mind :confused: -
@Pmf96 not available in my country, so I cannot tell firsthand, but Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari seems to fit the description to a t.
Zero no Tsukaima (Familiar of Zero). Isekai/harem before it was cool. -
@Jaquobus Oh... Thank for answering :3
Hmmm... I'm a little confused now. Though your reply takes care of what I asked. I don't think that I know how anime studios work... I had no idea that it existed studios that made only the art. Always thought that a studio made everything on the anime :sweat_smile:
... and sorry for taking so long to reply, just finished playing 'Witcher 3' for 12 hours straight... my brain is not working properly.Ps: It's the fourth day that I'm playing the game like that... it kinda needs to stop... :cry:
@Jaquobus Oh... thanks :3
Wow... the synopses of that seems kinda badass. -
@hatguy12 The funny thing is, the artist for this is the same as Zero no Tsukaima. Clearly has some preference for what to illustrate, I guess. :P
@hatguy12 Ah!! yeah... I completely forgot about that one!
Japanese voice cast and first two PVs have been released. They've also announced the OP & ED artists. July 11th premiere date.
PV2 (narrated by God), OP & ED artists and cast.
They've also released an illustration to celebrate:
edit: The names in the PV don't match the LN, which I excused at first, but according to @ReadingSteiner on twitter, he sent them a glossary for all the names... Hopefully they can fix it in the future.
Idk how I feel about this... I saw the announcement for the anime a while back and felt happy and sad. I usually don't like anime after I read the manga/light novel since anime tend to butcher a lot of the plot. But that's just my opinion. In the other hand there are anime that sometimes suppress its original platform.