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Darling in the Franxx Discussion
@hyferzftw Yeah, logic would dictate that. OTOH, Hiro could just join Zero Two.
@hyferzftw I'm fully expecting basically a complete rip off of the ending of Gunbuster at this point.
Anyway, the newlywed couple is always supposed to go off on a long "honeymoon", right?
One more week. One final battle and it's probably all in, winner take all. No idea now how it's going to end.
Just one little detail. Ok, maybe two. Klaxosaur warp gate to take them there, presumably the VIRM homeworld. How do they get back? Same gate? Hijack a VIRM gate? One way trip?
Then there's the bomb. It's at least a planet buster. Has to be. Why go otherwise?
Unless it's even bigger? Sun killer?Too many variables on how this could end. Happy: Deploy bomb and retreat thru gate while bomb destroys VIRM. Sad: Mutually assured destruction.
I just realized that the reason episode 22 felt rushed might be because they had originally planned episode 23 as the ending, but changed their minds after deciding to add one more episode to finish things off.
@Sam-Pinansky I think they call it "homage" nowadays instead of "rip-off". IMO it's okay if they do it since Studio Trigger is sorta the successor to Gainax, after all.
The battle in space wasn't as epic as I hoped, but I can't hate it.
@shrike_al Yeah yeah I know... I'll still be disappointed since, well, the entire plot of Gunbuster revolved around the time-relativity issue while in FranXX like, I've never seen Hiro or even Zero 2 really have some kind of attraction to Earth or humanity... They just mainly liked each other. I'd be fine with them blowing up VIRM and then like, just go off and explore the universe together in happiness.
Maybe they can send a message back to Earth like "hey guys, we're fine. Can't physically come back but we're having a lot of fun going around genociding the remaining VIRM out here. Best wishes, 0216"
@sam-pinansky That would be my #2 ending.
@sam-pinansky I think I'm starting to see your point.
TBH I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a time skip in the last episode and we see 0216 appear years later and when asked they admit to exploring the universe on their way back. I also won’t be surprised if Zero Two gets a new body.
@hyferzftw Klaxo-princess was merged in too, so maybe she can grow 02 one?
Mind you, the ending of the startup where Hiro and 02 hug and she disappears makes me think merged in one body is permanent (unless if they come home and get her physical body and jump in a franxx they can separate?)
@smashman42 yeah I’m a bit iffy about that. But I’ve taken film 100 class as an elective and what I learned from that that is if the symbolism the intro gives us was respresented in anyway or form it’s definitely relevant. So yeah that’s a super likely possibility. Let’s just hope that they either die together or live together. I hate when love is shattered. I rather see them both die and than one suffering for the rest of their life’s.
Gundam IBO spoiler
I'm an unedumacated idjut so just go by tropes I've seen & my own logic. It just seems symbolic somehow; whether it be lost for good or physical body lost & stuck in giant strezia(sp) or merged with Hiro I dunno.
I personally hope for live together or die together, not one alive one dead or permanently separated somehow. (merged within Hiro's body could be a sad together scenario I guess)
Damn this episode was kinda happy and sad.
@hyferzftw Yeah. Happy-sad ending. More happy than sad, in my opinion. My only comment...
@paul-nebeling yeah.
The last episode was... definitely not bad. I quite liked it.
Surprisingly, I find Hachi's confession to Nana to be the most touching part of the entire episode. Miku's expressions in certain scenes were amusing too.
I think Gurren Lagann still tops it in terms of epicness. But I know they're two different things.
BTW, I wonder whether the one with Ikuno during her last hospital scene was Naomi. For some reason, she's missing an arm?
@shrike_al Naomi was missing an arm when at the begining of the ep. When they were using the power of friendship scene you see Naomi with no arm. Assuming she lost it in episode one.
@hyferzftw I thought she had both arms earlier in the episode. Probably my mistake.