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On the home page I hit the show more button under coming soon and it shows the animation for the fact I've hit it, but doesn't show me more or take me to the release page where I assume it should go?
On Chrome version 53
@Demelza That's intended behavior: We only have events set up for the next week at the moment (I'll be adding the ones for upcoming weeks soon), so if that's all the upcoming there is, it just won't do anything.
If you want to go to the full release calendar, hit the "Releases" button on the main menu where you can see all releases, past and future. -
On iOS I can't make a new topic because I can't seem to type the title in anywhere
Clicking the blank blue area does nothing or triggers the category menu
At first I thought I was just being stupid but there are only so many places to press
Interesting... I just tried myself and it seems to be an issue with the mobile version of the theme.
@Jyuichi Figured out a temporary fix: Go to your settings and change the default skin to something else other than Yeti
This seems to be an issue with the default skin on this theme. I've pointed it out to the NodeBB tech support.
I tried to post to the Light Novels section but it told me the category doesn't exist. I'm using iOS on an iPhone
@the-green-death Yup, I can verify that bug in the mobile theme...
I'll make a post about it on Nodebb's support forum.
Is it only that category, or is it trying to post a new topic in any category on mobile that doesn't work, I wonder? -
I tried to do a manga post and it let me but then it put the post in anime...
Is the coming soon list broken? It doesn't have any releases except the next O;N..
@Jyuichi I just haven't added them yet for this weekend... Will soon, I'm preparing various things.
When I click the Amazon link it directs me to USA Amazon, it should be the brazilian one as I live in Brazil and have selected Brazil as my country.
@theMario3721 I just spent like 10 minutes investigating this bug until I noticed that I had disabled this feature (made everything default to US) and was gonna come back to it later and completely forgot!
I even have a "FIX_ME!" in the code and everything.I'll totally fix this tomorrow, thanks for pointing it out!
(I had decided the logic was better done in the client than the server and was gonna switch around the code and then it slipped my mind). -
I have two bugs to report:
- When you click on "Premium EBOOK" at the end of a novel part, the website basically crashes: You'll get a javascript error
"e.partreader.part.volume is undefined" (stacktrace: Afterwards, anything depending on javascript won't work anymore, including all links but the one to the forum (the joy of SPAs...) - When on mobile (Firefox for Android, Chrome's emulator), the reader controls of the reader are unusable, as they are rendered under the div with "z-index: 30", which catches all clicks.
- When you click on "Premium EBOOK" at the end of a novel part, the website basically crashes: You'll get a javascript error
@Jaquobus Hey, thanks for those... I'll definitely look into them. Especially now that premium ebooks will actually start being available for sale!
I'm having trouble logging in to anything except the forum. The Android app stayed logged in for weeks, then suddenly wasn't (which is sort of normal), but I forgot the password.. I tried the 'reset password' thing (multiple times) but even after changing it I can't log in using the app or the website, except for the website forum.
Also, it's taking forever for the password reset e-mail to arrive, but that may just be an e-mail issue.
Not sure if this counts as a bug per-say but the releases seem to be missing future updates for The Faraway Paladin and Mixed Bathing in Another Dimension
It's not a bug, that's all the info that is available right now.
@Anthony Yeah I've been travelling but when I upload the latest parts today on schedule I'll go and fill in the remaining weeks! Metadata takes so much time...
Oh, okay. Thanks for letting us know.