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Wierd order of titles
I mostly use the official Android app. Lately, I've noticed that the order that the released parts are in seems a bit confused. The two new titles have the parts split up, and newly released parts are showing up further down the list that parts that were released over a week ago. I'm assuming there some unseen sort tag used to order the list, but needing to scroll back thru two weeks of previously released parts to find this week's part is bothersome.
@paul-nebeling They are sorted by date.
Date being wrong isn't that rare — part being a week "early" in the list happened about once a month for titles I was reading (for one title a month, it's not like they are broken 25% of time). I considered fixing it in my app by using dates from "Coming soon" section, but that can be non-trivial at times and I'm not feeling like doing that for something that rare.Recent ones are on a different scale of broken, indeed.
They seem almost random these days. My order in the list:
Clockwork Planet v4p15 (June 28)
Ao Oni: Mutation p10 (June 25)
Infinite Dendrogram v7p4 (June 25)
Slave Elf v1p2 (June 26)
Slave Elf v1p4 (June 26)
Slave Elf v1p1 (June 26)
Slave Elf v1p3 (June 26)
LDM v1p5 (June 25)
LDM v1p4 (June 18)
Ragnarok v3p3 (June 24)
Infinite Stratos v3p3 (June 24)
Demon Load v4p9 (June 24)There are a ton of parts missing too. Genius, Daughter, those both had releases in that timeframe but don't show up on the list.
Indeed, I don't use the mobile app often but I used it for Genius Vol 3 - Part 5 and I noticed the parts order was completely messed up. I had to scroll quite a while to see part 5, initially I had thought it was delayed but then I saw it listed in the series page itself.
Yeah, Genius part 5 is listed under Genius part 4 for some reason, instead of up at the top of Recent Releases.
I've noticed this ordering weirdness in sorting by recent releases seems to happen when multiple parts of a series (any series) is released at once, usually because it's a new licence. Usually it clears up quickly, though; I haven't seen it last this long before.
I spoke to Jaon about it, the problem is the launchDate value for many parts is wrong, and the app sorts by part launchDate. So it actually is correctly sorting based on what's in the database... but the data itself is garbage.
I swear no one reads my posts.
I did, but... it wasn't very clear...
@guspaz said in Wierd order of titles:
I did, but... it wasn't very clear...
It was literally what you had said, 3 different times, in various posts throughout the last year. i.e. yes, it will sort weird if the data being sorted is incorrect.
@myskaros The second link was also supposed to refer to a partially similar topic with no responses but copypasting is hard so it didn't get there.
FWIW there's also at least a few "there's no new part in the app" posts in the series' topics. -
In any event, in this instance, the end result was Jaon poking people in Slack to fix the launchDate for the recent parts, and hopefully for them to pay more attention to setting it correctly in the future.
@guspaz I repeatedly posted about that in series' threads and never noticed it getting fixed.
Either way, the only way to prevent that stuff is adding sanity checks in the system.