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Request: Muv-Luv Alternative LNs
For the sake of having some mecha and sci-fi on the site, I'd like to see you guys and gals pick up the Muv-Luv Alternative light novels, particularly Total Eclipse and Schwarzesmarken, both of which started off as light novels and were later adapted into anime (both are on Crunchyroll).
In the case of Total Eclipse, franchise fans have longed for this title for a while, because the anime ends only part-way through the story, so we don't know how it ends (without looking for spoilers on the wiki).
(Note: I've tried twice to submit this to the Suggestions & Feedback forum, and each time it's been filed under Games. Apologies if it gets mis-posted again. This time I'm using Chrome instead of Safari)
Ah muvluv. I helped subtitle Total Eclipse for CR back in the day...
The books are published by Enterbrain (now part of Kadokawa), so they are on our radar, if not a bit tricky politically. There are some muv luv fans among our translators, that's for sure.
@Sam-Pinansky said in Request: Muv-Luv Alternative LNs:
Ah muvluv. I helped subtitle Total Eclipse for CR back in the day...
I don't know whether to say "thank you" or "I'm sorry you had to go through that". That second season of TE is a real slog. 24 episodes (25 with the recap) to cover only 4 LNs is a pretty dire pace.
I'll second the motion.
Hope it pans out.
how about we don't but say we did
\o/ I would love this, but urgh kadokawa please be nice to us here~
Requesting a mod to move this topic into the new Licensing Suggestions subforum, and adding my own upvote to this.
same as the one below >
I think there is you can get Muv-Luv VN on Steam. I think there were 2 main VN and maybe a few smaller VN/DLC stuff.
One thing that makes getting the Muv-Luv Alternative novels tricky is, I don't think they're available digitally. At least, I don't see them on Bookwalker. Just the Alternative manga and the Schwartzesmarken novels.
Schwartzesmarken's backstory volumes I would like since those weren't covered in the show (or game if we ever get it).
@terrence I thought OP @invalidname was referring to Schwarzesmarken and Total Eclipse already, I didn't even know that there was a light novel for Muv-Luv Alternative itself but I just checked this page which says there is. More people might be interested in Schwarzesmarken and Bernhard im Schatten though as they are source materials and not adaptations.
I'd definitely prefer to focus on what we don't have in English, which is the backstory to Schwartzesmarken and the continuation of Total Eclipse (whose anime adaptation only covered half of the story; kind of similar reason for me wanting the White Album 2 light novel, though I am using a guide to get through the game for that one). There's a few other Schwartzesmarken backstory / side story volumes too that feature side characters.
Of course, Total Eclipse isn't available digitally either sadly. =[
Was the LN of Total Eclipse even finished?
From what I gather, only what the anime adapted was in the LN. The story continues /finishes in the VN.
@village-idiot said in Request: Muv-Luv Alternative LNs:
Was the LN of Total Eclipse even finished?
From what I gather, only what the anime adapted was in the LN. The story continues /finishes in the VN.
Something was finished. Maybe the VN. But I know there's further stuff. Whatever is concluded I'll take. xC
@village-idiot AFAIK the TE VN goes past where the novels are to finish the story, whereas the anime covers only what is in the novels which end on a cliffhanger. On the other hand the Schwarz novels tell a complete story, and the anime covers that story but abridged heavily to fit in 1 anime cour, while the Schwarz VN covers what is in the novel with some parts trimmed and a couple of alternative routes added. So a translation of the Schwarz novels + Bernhard im Schatten would provide more 'new' material than a translation of the TE novels.
As a supplementary point, Schwarzesmarken and Total Eclipse novels are published by Enterbrain, who published Kokoro Connect, so there could be more hope for this now than existed prior.
Spotlight time! A friendly bump to an older post that hasn't had any recent conversation and is lower on votes in order to draw attention to it.
I'd love to see the Muv-Luv novels make it over! Especially if they're translated by enjoievan.
' v ' b -
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