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My Stepmom's Daughter is my Ex (anime)
The fireworks scene at the temple area was very well done. With the BGM playing and both of them having a heart to heart talk about relationships, I felt that it brought that scene from the LN to life really well.
Unfortunately if I recall, Yume’s talk with Madoka wasn’t included in the anime, the reason for Yume’s new resolve was not well explained.
Ok. Amine is over. At least for season 1. We'll have to wait and see if they do another season. More about that later.
I thought they did a good job covering the four volumes. Yes, they did skip a lot of the Kawanami-Minami stuff, but it did let them cover all four volumes while staying focused on Yume and Mizuto.
This anime left me feeling a lot like I did after the first seasons of both Rokujouma and The Devil is a Part-Timer. Excellent prologues, but give us more! Well, the latter did finally get a second season (and could stand about three more) so we'll see.
Surprisingly, the did cover thru the end of Volume 4, then flashed back to when Kawanami met Higashira. I'm thinking that we might get a not-really-an-OVA second season that focuses on Kawanami and Minami, with season three picking up after that.
I feel pretty satisfied with the anime.
the production told a story that fit within a cour, and ended at a good place, with few loose ends.Yume is still in love with Mitzuo
Mitzuo is still in love with Ayai (who Yume used to be)Yume is determined to win Mitzuo from her 'old self'
yea, it's more complicated than that in the LN, and even if events diverge from this point going forward - I feel the Anime stands on it's own