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Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion
Thank you! I don't have a readily available Japanese-speaking friend to rely on, but I may try this sometime anyway if I'm feeling especially courageous. -
@masterlillyclaw said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
You did not mention that there are shumils to be had... If they were more on-model I'd be trying to work through Google Translate to order some.... 8-)
@masterlillyclaw said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
Working off the Bookworm alphabet here, obviously. It does make me wonder what the "unknown" symbols are for - stress denotators, length denotators, flaps and taps, who knows?
Ok so if you don't mind me continuing to stare at this post, I think I might have figured out the ?s as well. They seem to be based on the Japanese names, specifically the small characters:ャ,ュ,ョ,ァ,ィ,ゥ,ェ,ォ,ッ, with ー as well. For example: フリュートレーネ (Fu|r|yu|u|to|re|e|ne), Flutrane. The little yu (ュ) and extended vowels (ー) each get an extra unassigned letter in the Bookverse alphabet. Compare with シュツェーリア (Sh|u|ts|e|e|ri|a), Schutzaria, and you see the same symbols for ュ and ー, with a different one for ェ. Same goes for ライデンシャフト, Leidenschaft, and ゲドゥルリーヒ, Geduldh.
The problem with this is that the alphabet only has 9 open slots, but I listed 10 characters. When I look at my handy list of some of the deity names, the only two I don't see are ォ and ョ, so I'd guess one of them doesn't have a corresponding symbol.
This also reflects a difference in Bookversification schemes between different names. Ferdinand's name in the anime is spelled exactly how it is in English, not the Japanese Ferudinando. If I continue hypothesizing, I'd say this depends on whether it's an actual name or a made up one.
Also, it might just be a coin flip if they use R or L for the corresponding kana, as it's different in Schutzaria and Geduldh.
@lurkingmclurk said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
@LurkingMcLurk said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
Today is (at least in my time zone) the one year anniversary of J-Novel Club releasing Part 1 Volume 1 (Part 1) and after just a year we are now at Part 2 Volume 3 (Part 9). Comparing to the web novel fan-translations, after one year they were at web novel chapter 40 which would be in the middle of Part 1 Volume 2.
And now (in my time zone) it's one day after the two year anniversary and they're at Part 3 Volume 5 (Part 5). Again comparing to the web novel fan-translations, after two years they were at web novel chapter 59 which would be about a third of the way into Part 1 Volume 3.
And now (as always, in my time zone) it's the three year anniversary and they're at Part 4 Volume 6 (Part 7). This is final time where I can compare to the original web novel fan-translations since the they ran for almost exactly three years themselves (
), at their endpoint they were at web novel chapter 96 which is about two thirds of the way into Part 2 Volume 1. The point of the comparison isn't to say that somebody doing it as their hobby is slower than somebody doing it as their job but rather to show just how good the last three years have been for English readers.
Another thing to point out is that in Japan Part 4 Volume 6 came out on2019-03-09
so they're one release away from being where Japan was when the light novel was announced (ignoring auxiliary material). -
I read last book and it got me thinking. It seems to me that author took description of side character and translated it to German in order to come up with name. We have:
Heisshietze - Hotheath
Besewanst - Evilbelly
Grausam (count Gerlach) - Cruel/evilI find it quite funny. I like when Japanese use German words :)
If you are going to do anything with German translation you first have to make sure you got the spelling correct. Many of the words are foreign to both Japanese and English, so translation is nowhere near easy. (German is also not my native language).
Heisshitze => Heißhitze (hot + heat, more probably "hot headed" or heißköpfig)
Besewanst => Boesewanst => Bösewanst (evil + belly, LN => black belly/腹黑)
Grausam (evil) seems pretty straightforward.With Grutrisheit I have some problems understanding the meaning, I'd expect GutRißheid or GroßRißheit (something like 'large crack" or "big break").
Playing around with Google Translate I find a lot of garbage translations.
Part 4 volume 8 is out. Part 9 is in translation and is last volume in this part. I wander what will happen in next volume. If we take into account that after each part Mayne "ascended" I can't wait to see if and how she will "ascend" this time.
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Thanks for good translations
I did find Ascendance of a Bookworm from the anime at crunchyroll,
I did found a fan translations of Ascendance of a Bookworm it did contain so many translations error it was not even posible to read. Then i search at google books and found it their and did buy all books their. I regedit now i did buy from google books from now i will buy from j-novel club direcly so i can put it on any device i want i do not always have my phone or computer with me. but a cheap ereader that only support epub format.Btw I found out almost all novel i likes have been translate and sell by j-novel club as well. I will re buy all books i did buy at google books it will take few month before i get all books i wanted.
Thanks for good quatlite of translations.
I was looking at the Release Calendar and I see Part 4 Volume 9 part 8 set for next week (09/05/2022) however past that I do not see Part 5 Volume 1 Part 1 listed at any point past that. Am I just missing something, or are there plans to cancel the translation at the final Volume of Part 4? I certainly hope not, this series is truly beloved, miss-translations and all!
Please refer to the following topic for a general overview of how new volume starts are handled, and new volume starts in relation to the release calendar.
Thank you
I must say part 4 volume 9 is really worthy to be last one in part 4. Story was very good and exciting to read. There is also bunch of side stories. I really like one with Kamil. I won't go into details in order to avoid spoilers :)
@Sekki There's a whole thread for P4V9 where spoilers are more than fine.
@Tube said in Ascendance of a Bookworm - General Discussion:
@Sekki There's a whole thread for P4V9 where spoilers are more than fine.
I know but those are used by premium members that can read parts as they are translated. I try to avoid those due to spoilers. I do not have credit card and because of that I do not have membership so I wait until book is released and then buy it.
Dont know if its the right thread but since its named "General Discussion" i'm gonna ask anyway.
Where do i find the bonus content of J-Novel club. and also the seccond collored illustration and the mangas+ map that are usually at the end ... i cant find it while reading online. is there a hidden option somewhere ? -
@enkar20-0 purchase the volume, download the epub from your library. It's not included in the prepubs at all, only the complete volume.