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Misfit of demon king academy vol 1 download not correct
When i try reading it on the website it seems to be complete, but when i download it and out it on my kindle there is the cover, some illustrations and then the book ends.
@kons7 That sounds like they entered the sample as the product yet again...
It's usually Amazon's fault, but it takes the original publisher bugging them to get it fixed. -
@piisfun has nothing to do with amazon/kindle i fownload it from the jnovel website and it is like that.
I just downloaded a copy and looks fine. That said, depending on the reader you use (I don't have a Kindle so no idea how it works there), the book is actually configured to start at the color illustrations, which happen to be at the end of the book. You'd need to scroll to the beginning for the actual text content.
Interestingly the data is present and when i use it on my phone (with an epub reader app) i can read it, but the kindle doesn't seem to find the content.Edit2:
I found it. Via navigation i vould punch in that i want to go to a certain position, the kindle nearly looked like he was dying trying to do it but managed and after restarting the toc wa preswnt. Lol -
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As Crimson Wise said, the ebook we created mistakenly starts near the end of the book on some ereaders, where the color images were. This was due to a minor quirk in how those readers determine what the first page of the ebook should be and is related to the fact that JNC moved the color images in the back a couple years ago.
The premium ebook has been updated (v1.0.1), and we are in the process of uploading the update to the webstores as well.