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2022/05/19 - Forum Maintenance Downtime (complete!)
I go through the forums in my iPhone and there are two things I can notice,
Refreshing the page via the browser refresh button makes the burger and avatar buttons to stop working. You click any of them and nothing happens, very annoying. Need to reopen it as a new tab to get it working again.
Did remote debugging and there is nothing on the logs other than the thing below (and perhaps unrelated) that also happens when opened on desktop,
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'e.sockets={}')
Can see this issue on my iPad as well.
Edit: can also reproduce it on a small Safari window on desktop, but not with Edge. So it looks like a Safari issue.
A more minor one, on a small screen the J-Novel logo takes a new row, like this,
Before the upgrade, the search button and my avatar would collapse into the sidebar instead, leaving space for the logo. Assuming that's a feature that can be enabled, could it be turned on? It takes some vertical space.
Latest iOS version, different browsers (although they all are Safari's engine internally), already deleted cache.
Also, this is NodeBB 2.0.0, right? Since I don't see it mentioned anywhere.
@Weasalopes said in 2022/05/19 - Forum Maintenance Downtime (complete!):
ETA: And it bugs the hell out of me.
If you want to take it out add this to your CSS. The configured value is 2px, so just change it to 0px. If you happen to like the line but want a different colour you can change that here as well.
.topic .posts.timeline .timeline-event,
.topic .posts.timeline>[component=post] { position:relative;
border-left:0px solid #a0c4e4;
margin-left:2.5rem} -
@Crimson-Wise, I get this with Android too, feels like the JNC logo is just a little oversized to fit.
@jpwong, thanks! If I make the line zero width, though, do I lose the indications for unread posts and the marker for big time gaps that both now seem to live in that line? If so, how can I make it so it just works like it used to (and still does on my phone browser).
@Angelus said in 2022/05/19 - Forum Maintenance Downtime (complete!):
@jpwong, thanks! If I make the line zero width, though, do I lose the indications for unread posts and the marker for big time gaps that both now seem to live in that line? If so, how can I make it so it just works like it used to (and still does on my phone browser).
Those stay... though for some reason their "timeline border" has to be removed separately.
Same for the pin/unpin thread notes.
Using Android, latest version of Chrome, there are no lines or indicators to show when one post ends and the next post begins. Basically have to look for the reply/quote buttons to see. Makes it a bit hard to follow.
And yeah, the logo and such at the top is oversized.
On the plus side though...
I'm delighted to see that instead of the hovering comment bubble on the right that always seems to be blocking something, I can just hit the - at the top to back out of a reply and view the comments.
AND I think the update fixed the stupid bug I've had for the last year, if not longer, where starting a reply and then moving a page forward or back caused it to crash and me lose whatever I'd typed! If so then that's HUGE cuz it was soooo annoying, especially on Mondays when trying to comment on AoaB releases.
@xdrfiredogx said in 2022/05/19 - Forum Maintenance Downtime (complete!):
Using Android, latest version of Chrome, there are no lines or indicators to show when one post ends and the next post begins. Basically have to look for the reply/quote buttons to see. Makes it a bit hard to follow.
That seem to be a design decision:
Use this to restore them..topic .posts.timeline .timeline-event:not(:last-child), .topic ul.posts.timeline > li[component="post"]:not(:last-child) {border-bottom:2px solid #464545; padding-bottom:0px;}
I already didn't like the previous version, but this new one is just worse. I've never really liked NodeBB in the first place though, so it doesn't matter much I guess. 😋
This feels weird, it just put like every single topic in the "Unread" list on the top left. Some of those I don't remember ever visiting.
On Chrome, Android version. I don't know how many of these are intentional or are actually under your control so I'll just list all my gripes so far.
The JNC banner at the top is an extra tall waste of space, as noted by others. More importantly, when scrolling up or down, it collapses and uncollapses to go more fullscreen. Unfortunately, this triggers a little jump of everything else on the screen up or down some. It's kind of like when an ad loads right before you go to click on something, but on every scroll.
On a similar note, going down a level into sections will sometimes put the banner over whatever's at the top of the new page. Usually this is the navigation bit (Home > Members Only > Manga or whatever I'm viewing), but this also can obscure the title of the topic I just clicked into. Maybe it's just me but it seems I tend to forget what I just clicked if it's not spelled out for me.
In the Members Only section, there's a button that looks like a text editor's bulleted list icon which pops up a second listing of the subforums with a little text search box. This is, as far as I can tell, extremely unnecessary for the few subforums we have. All it does it take an entire line of space while being aligned way to close to its bottom border.
Only the first 10 subforums are visible without pressing the "see more" button. There's only 11 subforums total, though, so this just means I have to hit an extra button to see the corrections threads. Unless you're planning on adding more subforums in the future (which I personally don't think would really be necessary but that's up to you), this feature is pointless.
On a possibly related note, there's no longer a shortcut to the corrections area from the top-level page like there is for every other subforum.
The Prepub Corrections subforum also doesn't get the new timestamps like all the others.
I like the new timestamps on subforums, but having it just about doubles the height of each subforum's space, making it just a little more annoying to scroll down all the way to the general prepub discussion threads.
Incidentally, unrelated to the forums, this is also why I preferred short titles on the calendar.
When scrolling through topic lists, the bar with the New Topic, Filter by Watching, and Sort By buttons comes along with my scrolling. Considering I'm not going to need it halfway through the list, all this does is cover up topic titles before getting awkwardly covered up itself by an uncollapsing banner on an up scroll.
The navigation, profile, and notification sections are now separate sidebars, of which one of them (notifications, the only one I really use) is the only one not accessible from just one button click, being next to the profile section after opening the right sidebar. There's a whole bunch of empty space in the navigation and profile sections, so splitting these up into three separate areas to keep track of feels pointless to me. On mobile especially, this also puts everything in those sidebars much closer to the top of the page, and thus very annoying to reach with my thumbs from the bottom of my phone.
Something about how notifications handle the redirects means I sometimes have to go back two pages after clicking a notification to return to where I was rather than just one. This is how I usually go up levels since going back a page is easy on mobile, so having to do so twice is an annoyance, if relatively minor.
Using an outline around the upvote to show I've upvoted things instead of changing colors is weird; do not like.
Overall not really impressed with the upgrade. I'm sure some of these have solutions with the custom CSS but I'd really rather not go through the pain of learning how to get that working. Though if generous people share what they've written to such ends (like the lines between posts above, thank you very much!), I will not hesitate to copy-paste anything.
@chocolatkey I stopped receiving email notifications after the upgrade. It happened once in the past too and you had to unlock(?) my email or something I think.
@Lisast said in 2022/05/19 - Forum Maintenance Downtime (complete!):
Only the first 10 subforums are visible without pressing the "see more" button. There's only 11 subforums total, though, so this just means I have to hit an extra button to see the corrections threads. Unless you're planning on adding more subforums in the future (which I personally don't think would really be necessary but that's up to you), this feature is pointless.
I also think the "see more" button is pointless and would like for it to be removed.
The navigation, profile, and notification sections are now separate sidebars, of which one of them (notifications, the only one I really use) is the only one not accessible from just one button click, being next to the profile section after opening the right sidebar.
I too would prefer one click instead of two clicks to the notifications section.
I like how if you click the post upvote button it now shows a green border to confirm it was selected (at least on mobile). The select quote facility is also handy.
@strangeattractor said in 2022/05/19 - Forum Maintenance Downtime (complete!):
@Lisast said in 2022/05/19 - Forum Maintenance Downtime (complete!):
Only the first 10 subforums are visible without pressing the "see more" button. There's only 11 subforums total, though, so this just means I have to hit an extra button to see the corrections threads. Unless you're planning on adding more subforums in the future (which I personally don't think would really be necessary but that's up to you), this feature is pointless.
I also think the "see more" button is pointless and would like for it to be removed.
The navigation, profile, and notification sections are now separate sidebars, of which one of them (notifications, the only one I really use) is the only one not accessible from just one button click, being next to the profile section after opening the right sidebar.
I too would prefer one click instead of two clicks to the notifications section.
Yes, very annoying to have an additional click for notifications.
Looking at the nodebb community the number of subcategories to be displayed can be set on the forum admin panel (default is 10). So it's something someone on the JNC side will have to update when they get a chance.
@Terabyte said in 2022/05/19 - Forum Maintenance Downtime (complete!):
@chocolatkey I stopped receiving email notifications after the upgrade. It happened once in the past too and you had to unlock(?) my email or something I think.
Still no notifications after 3 days here. 🙄
@Terabyte are you able to see this page and access the email digest setting?
@chocolatkey said in 2022/05/19 - Forum Maintenance Downtime (complete!):
@Terabyte are you able to see this page and access the email digest setting?
Yes, I can access the page just fine. I even double-checked my settings. I have the email option enabled for some notifications in the right column.
The Email > Subscribe to Digest option is set to Off in the left column now that I look at it, but it was like that even before the upgrade as far as I know. At least I haven't changed it.
I actually turned on email notifications for a couple of things to see what it would do and yeah, it does not appear to be sending emails for the different notification options at least.
Trying to fix the little things - we've made it so that all subcategories are visible in the Members Only forum, and also moved the Prepub Corrections subcategory to be higher in the list in case something like this ever happens again.
Still no emails. 😢
For anyone still having problems with the size of the logo causing it to take up an extra line on mobile devices: here is the fix (Personal CSS again)
/*Fix Logo size on mobile*/ @media (max-width: 767px) { .header .forum-logo {max-width:175px;margin: 2% auto;border:none;padding:0;} }
You might need to play with the numbers a bit to get it the way you want it. Note that "767px (pixels)" is the trigger point for displaying the reduced size mobile version of the forum.
@piisfun said previously:
- Copy the above line
- Click your profile button (upper right of window)
- click settings
- Paste code in the box labeled "custom CSS"
- Press save
- RELOAD PAGE (will not take effect until this is done)
Had fun learning the strange sequence of inputs to enable developer mode on an Android device to figure this one out...