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Lets Talk PS2 and Older
Here we can talk about the older games we remember, like, or would recommend to others. If these games are part of a series that has survived today we can even discuss the differences between the classic games and the newer games like Final Fantasy as an example.
This discussion does not need to be purely about Console Games, we can talk about PC games like Fallout or Thief, they are really good games you can get on Steam.
I bought the original Thief for the PC, since I was a fan of stealth games and really liked Dishonored and Deus Ex, but for some reason, I just can't get into it. I wonder why.
On the other hand, I've been playing MGS 2 (HD version on PS3 this time). I felt weird playing it back then. But themes it brought up seems to be more relevant than they were back then.
Right now I'm into visual novels. Apparently there were a lot on PS2, but none of them made it over. Makes me a sad 🐼
I've always been more of a Nintendo fan. Star Fox for the SNES I think holds up decently, especially musically. Donkey Kong Country series is my favorite platformer; again, the music makes it. DKC2, all of the songs are great.
Similarly, Chrono Trigger and Earthbound are ones I only discovered on rereleases on other consoles, but are classic for their stories and music.
To Faraway Times was my jam for a while.
Smiles and Tears... Gives me smiles and Tears listening to it.
Just just bought the 4 in one Jai and Daxter remake for the PS4
I found my remember playing 1, 2, & 3 never played the racing one.
Also I am ashamed to admit I never finished #2
OT: Anyone know how to start a vodcast / rerun on Twitch now? I added the videos to the rerun queue... But I don't know how to find said queue and turn them on.
Kingdom Hearts was one of the first PS2 games I was interested in trying.
My favorite PS2 game I rented though was Magic Pengel. You could draw characters, and then battle others with them in JRPG battles.
They made a sequel, Graffiti Kingdom, but I never played it... I wish they would rerelease these. I moved onto Spore, LittleBigPlanet, and then Scribblenauts before my creativity died. xD
Other than that, GTA: Vice City was nice for the soundtrack... Which apparently they are removing / replacing in future games, dang.
I got into Monster Hunter in the PS2 era, and it has been my favorite game franchise ever since. This is the one series that makes a console a deal for me. I've literally bought consoles for this series alone looking at my 3DS and its 3 MH games
I don't think there's any other game I have such a passion for. The only one that comes close is Shadow of the Colossus.
@paulnamida You make me regret not buying MH for my 3DS.
Now the only MH I look forward to would be MH World, but I currently don't have the means to play it.
One day, I'm gonna play the HD remasters of FF X and FF X-2. It's a promise.
I remember I had to beat Star Fox for the 64 in one sitting because I didn't have enough memory to save lmao. Me and my older brother beat it in one sitting. This happened during the summer about 10-13 years ago. We couldn't beat Torak Seeds of evil 2 even with cheats, that game was so long lol.
@hyferzftw said in Lets Talk PS2 and Older:
I remember I had to beat Star Fox for the 64 in one sitting because I didn't have enough memory to save lmao.
We played GTA 3 without a memory card. So that meant lots of using cheats. Make your car fly over the bridge at the start to access the final city. Use the tank cheat. I actually tried to beat the missions without powering off a few times... Dunno what the furthest I got was.
@terrence the amount of content we got from old games compared to know is kinda ridiculous tbh lol. Not to say all games don't give us enough content for 60$.
I kinda miss the days when Squaresoft made experimental action games like Brave Fencer Musashi and Einhander.
Kinda wish they'd one day port them to Steam.
Seems like a no brainer to port their old classics to Steam. I wonder why they hadn't done this.
@hyferzftw said in Lets Talk PS2 and Older:
@terrence the amount of content we got from old games compared to know is kinda ridiculous tbh lol. Not to say all games don't give us enough content for 60$.
Now we get long stretches of empty terrain to traverse, and it's supposed to be "immersive"... x)
We need to rely on the 1% of Games that are truly great now. And only 1% of that 1% is truly a masterpiece of nier perfection (yes I made a pun about Nier, specifically Nier Automata).