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Server Down?
The website is currently not populating with info and the app is stuck on the spinning circle as it can't get a server connection, any eta on when it will be back up?
Yeah, same here.
its being looked into right now.
Yesterday it was the forum that was down for a little while, today it's the main site? lol
Content is unavailable. Following any link leads to "You've found the Not Found page! That's some talent you've got!" Any news on when the site will be back up?
@joecamb I'm working on the issues still. I'm trying to figure out where this traffic all came from. There was 1 IP that was making a ton of odd API calls... I think it was some scrubbing script or something, and it was clogging up a lot of the server CPU time. Still not 100% though.
I have the same problem, cannot be able to see content.
@sam-pinansky Sounds like it might be a DDOS, if it's one specific IP that's causing a lot of the trouble.
@alipheese No not that simple. Although there was 1 IP that was making weird REST calls, it looked more like some rogue client or script. Seems to have helped to block it, but still need to work on the root cause.
Note this thing with the front page is happening again. :)
Yeah, I'm seeing errors like this one in the console:
Failed to load[limit]=200: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 404. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
@terabyte I was in the process of implementing some more permanent fixes and managed to totally break things.
I've reverted for now while I reflect on my actions.
@sam-pinansky hahaha, okay :D
Heheheh. No worries. :) I was curious as I was re-reading Roku13 and suddenly things got wonky. :)
Update: I have now fully fixed the efficiency issue, and as a bonus the backend is now considerably more responsive when listing parts/events/volumes/series/headlines, etc.
App, website should all be faster and the server's load should be dropped by factor of 3-4 I think especially during peak times.
Yay for coding things properly finally!
I don't suppose within your fix any IP ranges got blocked or the like?
I'm getting weird behaviour only since this latest issue, which is why I'm posting in this thread rather than creating a new thread.
When trying to read prepubs or even just browse the main website using my home WiFi, the website/web reader times out or sometimes half loads in any browser on either Windows 10 or Android, as does the mobile app itself. The forum however is always accessible no matter what.
If I use either device through my VPN or via mobile data instead of my VDSL - so different DNS, IP range, etc - it works normally. Literally no changes other than that. I'm used to the VPN breaking stuff, not the other way around!
My home network uses Google WiFi so obviously uses Google's DNS servers. I wouldn't think there'd be an issue with that, or with my Australian ISP (in this case, Internode, part of TPG group so effectively one of the three biggest down under)
Any idea what is going on here? Is this a pure coincidence that it broke for me right when you fixed this other problem? I mean, I read a lot, but surely I'm not the one IP that was flooding your server - I haven't seen any massive data use spikes on my end & as mentioned, I have Google WiFi so I see per device usage.
@smashman42 There was a single IP that was doing odd REST API calls that seemed suspicious that I blocked, like it was being run from some custom client or something.
But it was just a single IP. Now that things are better I suppose I can unblock it. I doubt it's you though. -
@alipheese that would be a DoS rather than a DDoS