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J-Novel Club e-books now available on OverDrive
J-Novel Club now has its entire catalog of e-books available to borrow on OverDrive!
OverDrive is a free service offered by your library or school that lets you borrow digital content (like eBooks and audiobooks) anytime, anywhere. Every OverDrive collection is slightly different because each library or school picks the digital content they want for their users.
All you need to get started with free digital content from your library or school is an internet connection and a library card or student ID.
Explore the sections below to learn about some of the things you can do with OverDrive.
So go on over to and request some titles!
My libraries have Overdrive (Hoopla is the new hotness though)!
Is there a way to request your library get titles you don't have? I feel like there is, but I don't remember.
@rahul-balaggan SWEET!
When I do a search in overdrive, if my library doesn't have it (and probably only if it's in overdrive), it puts the matches in a section that says:
Didn't find what you're looking for?
We can add titles that aren't in the collection to your search results so you can recommend them to the library for purchase.With a list of titles and "Recommend" links for each. Though my library gives a limit of 5 recommendations (I'm not sure if/how that resets).
Edit: Reading a help page, it has the text "If your library has the Recommend to library feature," implying not all libraries may have that option.
I was using their Libby app. I don't think Libby has that request feature.
But yeah, it was easy enough in the Overdrive app and site. 3 requests per day for me.
Are you guys requesting things you've read but think your patrons would like, or are you requesting things you haven't read? And is it weird to request volumes in the middle of a series? x)
I have access to a few different library overdrives, and this seemed to work when I tested it across different ones:
You may be able to search for all J-Novel titles with the following url format (easiest to copy paste the last bits to the end of an open page likely).
One of my libraries lets me recommend 99 titles a day... I think my library would hate me if I recommended 99 in a single day. xD
One of the library networks I can use my card with did get a J-Novel title in their Overdrive catalog (Realist Hero). It is currently checked out to someone else, so I can't try it yet.
You can recommend titles on the site, but I'm not sure who makes the purchase decisions (whether it's the "Network" they belong to or the admin of the local library).
@terrence It's one of the other usually. Looking at our sales sheets it seems to mostly be local library systems, like "The Ohio state public libraries".
So far sales are pretty weak honestly, maybe like 500 books sold total.
Random update, I just got an email that the J-Novel book I recommended as a test 4 months ago was just added. Looking at that library, it seems they've now got two J-Novel books on my library's overdrive.
@hatguy12 Oh yay!
Library network got at least two novels in (they already had Realist Hero 1 in their collection). =)
Just a heads up to all our library using readers out there, we recently submitted almost 100 new books to Overdrive. A couple things to remember:
- Libraries really do like it when people make requests. It means you'll be using the services when they get them.
- Though you can use OverDrive's request function, consider finding out who the manga buyer is at your local branch/system and send them a polite email as well.
- Updates will be more frequent from here on, though day & date is more of an ideal than an immediate goal.
Thank you for your patience, and happy reading.
Thanks. I noticed a library in a system near me had quite a few of the Faraway Paladin volumes. =)
Really love that J-Novel uses Overdrive, I definitely read more LNs than I otherwise would as a result. Have found quite a few books I like through this service.
Of those books, I have found a few series where the first volume was either already available or available for recommendation, but then none of the rest is in Overdrive even though there's 2-5 more volumes in circulation elsewhere. Does J-Novel have a certain schedule for adding things to Overdrive, or anything like that? I don't mind if it's irregular, but it'd be nice to know how often to check if there's a pattern.
Thanks for all the quality releases over the years. :)
Maybe I can ask someone to take me to the library. Never did join it since I moved to this town 12 years ago. Now I have a reason to.
@Demonskid many libraries that participate in the Overdrive system allow you to apply for a library card digitally through the website (the library's own, or their Overdrive one), so you may not even have to go in person. :)
@cheroselumaine Oh that would be very nice if mine does this! I'll look into this, thanks!
@cheroselumaine said in J-Novel Club e-books now available on OverDrive:
Of those books, I have found a few series where the first volume was either already available or available for recommendation, but then none of the rest is in Overdrive even though there's 2-5 more volumes in circulation elsewhere. Does J-Novel have a certain schedule for adding things to Overdrive, or anything like that? I don't mind if it's irregular, but it'd be nice to know how often to check if there's a pattern.
I've also noticed this - some series published by JNC are completely updated in the overdrive catalog while others (Bookworm, Villainess, Marielle Clarac, etc) are missing the most recent volumes. I would love to be able to recommend them to my library to purchase if they make it into the catalog! Thank you!